Big Brother 22 Spoilers: October 9, 2020 Eviction Nominees Revealed

Big Brother 22 Spoilers: October 9, 2020 Eviction Nominees Revealed

Hey, fellow “Big Brother” fans. We are back at you on this Friday evening, October 9, 2020, to give you guys another special report from inside the Big Brother season 22,All-Stars house. That’s right, guys. The nomination ceremony just recently took place, and we have two more nominees up for eviction this week.

As we previously reported, little Nicole was able to somehow pull out the HOH (Head Of Household) win last night, October 8, 2020 after the LIVE eviction show. So, it was up to her to decide who was going up for eviction this week at the nomination ceremony.

After Nicole’s nomination ceremony ended today, it was revealed that Memphis and Christmas were thrown on the eviction chopping block.

This was no surprise since Nicole is not working with Memphis or Christmas, and she actually despises Christmas for trying to take her out during the LIVE, triple eviction show last week.

However, what we did not know is that Christmas is not Nicole’s main target this week. It’s actually Memphis. That’s right. According to a new report from Big Brother Network, Nicole wants to get rid of Memphis before they get rid Christmas.

At around 11:53 am pacific time today, October 9, 2020, Nicole told Christmas, “I know who I really want gone this week ,and you aren’t that person. I’m going to do everything I can to make sure you don’t go this week. I don’t want to keep people who I can’t beat in the end.

At around 12:50 pm, Nicole told Cody, “I want Memphis to go this week, but if he wins the POV, I’m okay with Christmas going.”

Judging from those conversations, it’s quite clear that Nicole does indeed want to get rid of Memphis instead of Christmas this week. The next big event is the POV (Power Of Veto) competition.

It’s scheduled to happen sometime tomorrow, October 10, 2020. So, we will certainly be back on here to tell you who won it. Be on the lookout for that report.

This is going to be a very crucial POV because Christmas or Memphis do have a very good chance of winning it. Obviously , if one of them wins it, plans could change dramatically.

How do you guys feel about Christmas and Memphis getting nominated for eviction this week? Are you happy about it? Are you sad? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the comments section.

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Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Big Brother” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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