Big Brother 23 Spoilers: August 22, 2021 Power Of Veto Winner Revealed

Hey, “Big Brother” fans. We hope your Sunday and weekend is going great. We are back on here with another brand new update from inside the Big Brother season 23 house. Yesterday, August 21, 2021, the POV (Power of Veto) competition took place, and we do have the winner of that competition. So, we’ll be giving you that information in this article.
Before we tell you who won yesterday’s POV comp, we’re going to do another quick recap of this week so far for those of you who aren’t up to speed on everything.
This past Thursday night, August 19, 2021, Sarah won the latest HOH (Head Of Household) competition to claim the HOH crown for this week. That means she had to nominate two people for eviction this past Friday, August 22, 2021, and she most certainly did. She nominated Derek F and Claire for eviction during her nomination ceremony.
Right after the nomination ceremony, the houseguests played the High Roller’s room twist competition. During it, Alyssa won the nomination roulette. From what we can tell, she spun a wheel. Then, whoever it landed on was thrown up on the chopping block to replace one of the current nominees. Her spin resulted in Xavier getting nominated and replacing Derek F on the chopping block. Alyssa was torn up about it. That all leads us to yesterday’s POV competition.
Sarah and her two eviction nominees Claire and Xavier played for the veto by default. Alyssa, Azah and Derek F were randomly drawn/picked to play for the veto.
According to the folks over at Big Brother network, this was a domino set up comp where they had to select spots to route through. There were also punishments and prizes given out.
When it was all played and done, it was Xavier who emerged as the winner! However, he had to take some serious punishments to get it. It’s reported that Xavier will have to be a 3rd eviction nominee next week unless he wins HOH. If he wins HOh, he would have to be a 3rd eviction nominee the following week. He was also given 24 hours of solitary confinement, and he lost all of his BB bucks!
Big Brother Network is also saying that Derek X is currently a backdoor target plan for Sarah when Xavier takes himself off the block tomorrow with his veto. So, that should be quite interesting.
At around 10:40 PM pacific time yesterday, August 21, 2021, Sarah was seen telling Kyland, “Derek X will be leaving this week. I’m confident we have at least four votes to put him out to jury.” After that, Sarah and Kyland discussed ideas on how to combat things Derek X may try to pull to save himself.
At around 12:25 AM today, August 22, 2021, Sarah told Kyland, “I still want to backdoor Derek X.” Kyland agreed with that plan. Sarah also said, “I want Alyssa to think my plan was to backdoor Derek X the entire time.”
At around 2:55 AM, Claire and Tiffany were seen talking about being sad that Derek X will go this week, but they knew it was always coming.
Judging from those LIVE feed conversations, it does certainly seem that Derek X will replace Xavier on the eviction chopping block tomorrow as Sarah’s main, backdoor target. We’ll definitely be back on here to report the outcome of tomorrow’s POV ceremony to confirm that this Derek X backdoor situation is really happening.
How do you guys feel about Xavier winning the POV competition this week? Let us know in the comments section.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Big Brother ” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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