MasterChef August 25, 2021 Eliminated Anne Hicks & Joseph Manglicmot (Recap)

Hey, “MasterChef” fans. Tonight, August 25, 2021, two, new episodes of MasterChef season 11 aired ,back-to-back, with judges: Gordon Ramsay, Aarón Sanchez, and Joe Bastianich. At the end of it all, two more contestants were eliminated.
The first episode kicked off with the introduction of a 4th, guest judge, which was legendary chef Dominique Crenn. They pointed out that she has three Michelin Stars.
The contestants were tasked with having to split up into 4 teams of two. They had to cook identical dishes while being on the other side of a room from their partner. Their dish also needed to be Michelin star quality.
Michael was teamed up with Autumn. Suu with Alaejandro. Anne with Joseph, and Abe with Kelsey. They were given one hour to complete this challenge. The winner won a dinner for two at Dominique’s restaurant.
During the challenge, they had to communicate back and forth what they were doing since they couldn’t see each other.
Autumn and Michael decided to cook a pork dish. Autumn told the private cams she was worried about whether or not Michael could cook the pork right since he mostly does vegan dishes.
Suu told Gordon and Dominique about their dish. Anne told Aaron and Joe that she and Abe are making a seaweed wrapped halibut dish. Joe said, “It has to be incredible and delicious.” Aaron said, “The presentation is the most important part.”
Autumn told Gordon and Dominique that she and Michael are making a roasted cauliflower and pork dish. Abe told Aaron and Joe that he and Kelsey are making a salmon dish. Joe told Abe to make sure he makes the broccoli the same size as Kelsey’s.
Joseph expressed that he was irritated about Anne always yelling at him. Anne said, Joseph seemed too distant and quiet.
Michael told Gordon and Dominique about he and Autumn’s dish. He said, he will let Autumn lead the way on plating since his plating skills aren’t the best.
Joseph told Aaron and Joe about he and Anne’s dish. Kelsey told Gordon and Dominique about she and Abe’s dish.
Alejandro told Aaron and Joe, “I think mine and Suu’s dishes will be pretty close to perfect.”
When the time was up, It was revealed that Suu didn’t put sauce around the plate like Alejandro due to a miscommunication between the two of them.
Kesley said she think things went really well with Abe. Anne said she thinks things went well with Joseph.
Next, the contestants presented their dishes to the judges. Michael and Autumn were up first with their grilled pork with carrot purée, roasted cauliflower, carrot chips and Dijon mustard sauce dish.
Gordon said, “Visually, they’re beautiful. Sadly, these are two completely different plates.” Dominique said, “I love the seasoning. It was delicious. Pretty good.” Gordon said, “I want Autumn’s porkchops with Michael’s puree.” Aaron said, “All the elements were present.” Joe said, “They’re not identical twins, but kissing cousins.”
Alejandro and Suu presented a pan seared snapper with wild mushrooms, asparagus and port & vinegar reduction dish. Gordon said, “They both look good, but these are different plates. You missed the mark on good communication. Both fishes are beautifully cooked.” Dominique said, “It has lots of flavors, which I appreciate.” Aaron said, “It’s a little too safe.” Joe said, “For me, Suu’s dish is better executed.”
Anne and Joseph presented a seaweed steamed halibut with sticky rice and miso broth dish. Aaron said, “They look similar.” Gordon said, “There’s no vibrance. The halibut is cooked nicely. It’s super rich. Joseph overcooked the halibut.” Dominique said, “It’s seasoned perfectly.” Aaron said, “The sauce is overdone, and the dish needs some vegetables.” Joe said, “One dish was restaurant quality. The other one was watered down and amateur-like.
Kelsey and Abe presented a crispy skinned salmon with parsnip purée, roasted radish and sautéed broccolini dish. Gordon said, “It looks like you cooked side by side, but I’m worried about the density. Kelsey’s puree is spot on, and the salmon is perfection. Both salmon’s were executed perfectly. The puree is good.” Dominique said, “I’m blown away with Kelsey’s salmon. Abe, you’re better than most people I’ve seen who call themselves chefs.” Aaron said, “It’s amazing.” Joe said, “You did an excellent job.”
After all of that, the judges revealed that Kelsey and Abe won the challenge. Suu and Alejandro got second place. Autumn and Michael got 3rd place. So, they were all safe.
Anne and Joseph had the worst dish, and Joseph got eliminated. Gordon told Joseph, “The fish was overcooked, and you didn’t seem present.”
In the second episode of tonight, they brought on another 4th, guest judge, which was legendary chef Niki Nakayama. She brought example dishes from her restaurant.
The contestants were given 60 minutes to make a grilled, fried and steamed Japanese dish. The winner won a dinner for two at Niki’s restaurant.
During the challenge, Autumn said she was making a riceball, meatball and salmon croquettes dish. Michael said Japanese food isn’t really his thing.
Kelsey said she was making a Japanese style fried chicken dish. She said she also wasn’t too familiar with Japanese food.
Suu told Gordon and Niki about her dishes. She said, “I love Japanese food. So, I connect with this.” Niki gave her some advice on the mushrooms.
Kelsey told Joe and Aaron about her dish. They told her, “good luck.”
Abe told Gordon and Niki about his dish. They told him to keep his dish savory. Abe said, “I’m feeling a little nervous. I’m kind of familiar with Japanese food.”
Abe told Joe and Aaron about his dish. They gave him advice about not overdoing things.
Kelsey told Gordon and Niki he’s making a grilled scallop, steamed cod and Japanese fried chicken. Niki gave her some advice.
Autumn told Aaron and Joe about her dish. Joe said, “I like your strategy.” Anne told Gordon and Niki about her dish. She revealed that she meant to get turnips, but picked up parsnips instead.
Michael told Joe and Aaron he’s making fried tofu, grilled cod and a steamed omlet. Aaron said, “I hope you can pull off a steamed omlet. Good luck.”
When the time was up, Anne said she burned one of her parsnips,and she was in tears.
Next, the contestants presented their dishes to the judges. Autumn was up first with her grilled Yakitori chicken meatball, steamed spicy salmon onigiri and fried creamy crab croquette dishes.
Niki said, “It’s plated nicely. The chicken is good. I like the taste.” Aaron said, “It’s very askewed.” Gordon said, “The salmon is delicious. You nailed the croquette.” Joe said, “I love everything about this. It’s really, really good.”
Abe presented steamed prawns, grilled tomatoes and fried chicken. Gordon said, “I loved the presentation.” Niki said, “The prawns are great. The chicken flavor is nice.” Joe said, “It felt like I was eating a meal.” Gordon said, “You shouldn’t fry the chicken. The prawns are flavorable.”
Anne presented grilled baby squid, steamed parsnips and fried prawn dishes. Gordon said, “It taste better than it looks.” Niki said, “The squid is a little bit flat. The parsnips are a little underseasoned.” Joe said, “There’s not enough color. The parsnips taste too unseasoned.” Aaron said, “There were some technical issues.”
Michael presented fried tofu, steamed sushi omelet and grilled cod dishes. Gordon said, “The tofu is beautifully coated. The vegetables are slightly undercooked.” Niki said the tofu is crunchy. The omlet is undercooked.” Joe said, “Each dish had a small problem.”
Alejandro presented fried spot prawn, steamed kombu and grilled chicken yakitori dishes. Aaron said, “It has lots of positive attributes. The chicken was cooked well.” Niki said, “The texture was nice. The broth is too soupy.” Joe said, “The broth has no profoundness of flavor.” Gordon said, “The yakitori is outstanding.”
Kelsey presented grilled scallops, steamed cod and fried chicken dishes. Niki said, “I like how it looks. The flavoring came through. Good job.” Joe said, “The black cod was steamed perfectly. The chicken is overbattered.” Aaron said, “You delivered from an aesthetic point of view.” Gordon said, “The chicken is delicious. The scallops needed another 30 seconds.”
Suu presented grilled shrimp, steamed mushroom gyoza and fried pork dishes. Gordon said, “You left a poop sack in it. You need to clean the shrimp. The shrimp is slightly undercooked. The pork is slightly dry.” Niki said, “It’s a little on the dry side.” Aaron said, “It needs more sauce.” Joe said, “It was well executed, but it’s not as good as you could’ve done.”
After all of that, the judges revealed that Kelsey won the challenge, and Alejandro, Abe and Autumn were also safe from elimination.
That meant Suu, Michael and Anne landed in the bottom 3 with their dishes. Ultimately, they eliminated Anne during this round. So, Anne Hicks and Joseph Manglicmot were eliminated in tonight’s back-to-back episodes.
The next, new MasterChef season 11 episode is scheduled to air next Wednesday night, September 1, 2021 at approximately 7 pm central standard time.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “MasterChef” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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