FBI Most Wanted Season 3, October 19, 2021 Episode 5 Delayed. Not Airing Tonight

FBI Most Wanted Season 3, October 19, 2021 Episode 5 Delayed. Not Airing Tonight

Hey, “FBI: Most Wanted” fans. Unfortunately, we’re having to jump here with some bad news tonight. For some unknown reason, The FBI: Most Wanted series has hit a break. So, CBS will not be airing the next, new episode 5 of FBI: Most Wanted’s current season 3 tonight, October 19, 2021. This news gets worse because CBS will not air the new episode 5 next Tuesday night either.

Nope, apparently, the show is on a two-week hiatus. CBS confirmed that they do intend to air the new episode 5 on Tuesday night,October 19, 2021 in its usual 8 pm central standard time slot. So, you guys should definitely be sure to not forget that very important date and time or just write it down on something.

So, what is CBS airing instead of the next, new episode 5 of FBI: Most Wanted’s current season 3 tonight and next week? We did find out that CBS plans to air a couple of FBI: Most Wanted, repeat episodes during this two-week break.

Tonight, October 19, 2021, CBS will be re-airing the first episode 1 of FBI: Most Wanted’s current season 3 titled, “Exposed.” CBS’ official description for it reads like this, “A local FBI case involving two murdered women and a sea of powerful men turns into a manhunt for the dangerous leader of a far-reaching criminal enterprise.”

Then, next Tuesday night, October 26, 2021, CBS will be re-airing the 8th episode of FBI: Most Wanted’s last season 2 titled, “Vanished.”

CBS’ official description for it reads like this, “The team welcomes a new member as they begin their hunt for a repeat offender and the child he kidnapped after murdering the boy’s single mother. Also, Jess tries to move past the awkward exchange he had with Sarah during their last encounter.”

If you guys are up for watching those particular repeat episodes of FBI: Most Wanted, you might still want to flip the channel to CBS tonight.

If you won’t settle for anything other than the latest, new episode 5 of FBI: Most Wanted season 3, you will most certainly want to make some other plans until that November 2, 2021 date rolls around.

Spoiler warning: For those of you who are interested, we did round up a couple of new, official spoiler scoops for the next, new episode 5 of FBI: Most Wanted’s current season 3 from CBS’ official episode 3 press release. So, we’re going to take a look at those right now.

To start, CBS’ episode 5 press release let us know that episode 5 is officially titled,”Unhinged.” It sounds like episode 5 will feature some very intense, dramatic, interesting, scandalous, action-filled and suspenseful scenes.

CBS’ official description for episode 5 tells us, “After a deadly fire at an arcade, the team discovers the blaze was just the first step in an intricate plan to exact revenge on one of the victims. Also, Hana rejoins the team, finding new adjustments in all aspects of her life on the CBS Original series FBI: MOST WANTED.”


Episode 5 will feature quite a few guest stars. They are: Tim Dekay as character (Angelo Carpenter), Clarke Thorell as character (Fred Duncan), Gregory Perri as character (William Duncan), Dan Amboyer as character (Todd Carter), Dana Berger as character (Vicky Brokaw).

Guest stars continued: Geraldine Leer as character (Sally Wiggins), Dan Cordle as character (Dan Wiggins), Erica Sweany as character (Rachel Dunn), Bethany Lauren James as character (Anna Raos), Carlos Andrickson as character (Ramon Raos), Amalina Ace as character (Abby Dunn), Thomas Belgrey as character (Pat McKendrick), Jeremy Burnett as character (Ollie), Liam Nixon Cesar as character (Michael Raos) and Hope Blackstock as character (News Anchor).

Episode 5 will feature a couple of recurring stars. They are: Jen Landon as character (Sarah Allen) and Taylor Cooper as character (Zadie).

The season regulars that will be featured in episode 5 are: Julian McMahon as character (Supervisory Special Agent Jess LaCroix), Alexa Davalos as character (Special Agent Kristin Gaines), Roxy Sternberg as character (Special Agent Sheryll Barnes), Keisha Castle-Hughes as character (Special Agent Hana Gibson), Miguel Gomez as character (Special Agent Ivan Ortiz) and YaYa Gosselin as character (Natalia “Tali” LaCroix).

Episode 5 was written by Melissa Scrivner Love, and it was directed by Ken Girotti.

Again, CBS’ press release confirmed that the next, new episode 5 of FBI: Most Wanted’s current season 3 is scheduled to finally hit the air on Tuesday night, November 2, 2021 at approximately 9 pm central standard time. It will also be available to stream live and on demand on Paramount+.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “FBI: Most Wanted” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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