Celebrity Big Brother February 7, 2022 Evicted Mirai Nagasu (Recap)

Hey, “Celebrity Big Brother” fans. Tonight, February 7, 2022, another new episode of Celebrity Big Brother season 3 did hit the air, and this was another LIVE eviction episode. It also featured a LIVE POV (Power Of Veto) competition.
Tonight’s LIVE eviction episode kicked off with footage of what happened in the house after Chris Kirkpatrick nominated Mirai and Chris Kattan for eviction. Chris Kirkpatrick told the Diary Room aka the private cams, “My target is Mirai. She makes me really nervous because she is tight with Miesha and Todrick.”
Chris Kattan told the private cams, “I will try my best to win the veto.” Miesha kept saying, “I wanted Carson out this week.” Carson told Chris Kattan, “You’ll be just fine. You’re very beloved.”
Chris Kirkpatrick told the private cams, “Shanna is my number one. I need to break up the Mirai, Miesha and Todrick clan. If Miesha took Mirai off the block, there would be hell to pay.” Todrick told Mirai, “I would do anything to keep you in this house. I think you’re a really special person.”
Chris Kirkpatrick told Shanna, “Miesha feels like she’s running this house. I need to get Mirai out now or Miesha’s numbers will grow, and we’re in a lot of trouble.”
Miesha told Told Chris Kirkpatrick and Todrick, “I trust Mirai.” Chris Kirkpatrick said, “I don’t trust her. I don’t know her.” Chris Kirkpatrick started getting ticked off at Todrick and Miesha because he felt they were trying to push their game off on him. He told them, “This week is for me and my game.”
Chris Kirkpatrick told Shanna, “I couldn’t believe how hard Miesha was pushing her game on me.” Next, the LIVE POV competition was played. It was a memory/quiz comp. Chris Kirkpatrick and his two nominees Mirai and Chris Kattan played by default.
Todrick, Shanna and Cynthia played due to a random draw. It came down to Todrick and Shanna in a tie-breaker, and Shanna pulled off the victory.
Next, they went straight into the POV ceremony. During it, Shanna decided not to use the veto. So, Chris Kattan and Mirai stayed on the chopping block.
Next, Chris Kattan and Mirai gave their plea speeches. Chris Kattan said, “Mirai should stay, and I should go.” So, that was quite unusual. The rest of the celebs, minus the HOH Chris Kirkpatrick, casts their votes to evict.
Cynthia, Miesha, Carson, Lamar, Todrick, Todd and Shanna all voted to evict Mirai. No one voted to evict Chris Kattan. So, by a unanimous vote of 7-0, Mirai got evicted from the Celebrity Big Brother house tonight. She gave everyone a hug on her way out.
During Mirai’s exit interview with host Julie Chen-Moonves, she said, “I was definitely prepared to be evicted tonight. It was really lonely for me in there, and I couldn’t really relate to anyone.” She said she had a nice friendship with Christ Kattan though. Finally, she went on to say, “I don’t think I was mentally prepared for this. I like to train and be prepared for things.”
How do guys feel about Mirai Nagasu getting evicted from the Celebrity Big Brother season 3 house tonight, February 7, 2022? Are you happy about it? Are you sad? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the comments section.
The next, new episode of Celebrity Big Brother season 3 is scheduled to air this Wednesday night, February 9, 2022 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on CBS.
Alright, guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest, “Celebrity Big Brother” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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