Celebrity Big Brother 3 Spoilers: February 15, 2022 New HOH & Eviction Nominees Revealed

Hey, “Celebrity Big Brother” fans. It’s that time again, we are back with another very important report from inside the Celebrity Big Brother season 3 house. As we previously reported, another LIVE eviction episode took place last night, February 14,2022. That means another HOH (Head Of Household) competition was played to begin this new round, and we do have the results of it.
According to Big Brother Network and the LIVE feeds, it was the former Different Strokes, Willis star Todd Bridges that pulled out the victory. Wow, I am shocked by that because he seemed like a total sleeper in these early rounds.
Anyways, according to some chit chatter on the LIVE feeds, it appears that Carson and Cynthia’s names have been thrown up as the possible, eviction nominees with Carson being the main target. If Carson doesn’t win the POV ( Power Of Veto), the plan is to throw Lamar up in his place. If Lamar goes up, Todd wants to try and get him out over Cynthia.
Todd was also seen telling Miesha that he doesn’t plan on trying to target her or Todrick until they are in the final four together.
As the new, reigning HOH, Todd will be in charge of nominating two celebs for eviction during the nomination ceremony. We do expect to see the nomination ceremony happen at some point today, February 15, 2022, because the producers need to have it ready for tomorrow night’s new episode. So, we’ll definitely be jumping back on here to give you the skinny on that when it happens.
Actually, this just in. The nomination ceremony has taken place. So, we now know who is officially up on the chopping block right now. It turns out that Todd chose to nominate Carson and Lamar for eviction instead of the Carson and Cynthia duo. This does leave a hole open as Cynthia could possibly win the POV comp and save Carson, leaving either Lamar, Todrick or Miesha to go home next.
So, the next big event we’re waiting for is the POV competition. They might save it for this Friday night’s LIVE eviction episode. We’ll have to wait and see.
How do you guys feel about Todd Bridges winning the new HOH and nominating Carson and Lamar for eviction this round? Are you happy about it? Are you sad about it? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the comments section.
Alright, guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest, “Celebrity Big Brother” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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