Big Brother 24 Spoilers: July 15, 2022 Eviction Nominees Revealed

Hey, fellow “Big Brother” fans. We are back for our second big report of today. For those of you who missed our first report, we told you guys that Jasmine became the latest HOH (Head Of Household) of this season after winning the HOH comp last night after the LIVE eviction episode ran out of time.
Now, we’re back with a report of who Jasmine decided to nominate for eviction today during her nomination ceremony. Yes, Jasmine’s nomination ceremony took place a couple of hours ago, and the results are in. When Jasmine’s nomination ceremony wrapped up, it was Joe “Pooch” and Taylor sitting on the eviction chopping block. So, it looks like Taylor just can’t catch a break this season. However, Taylor could escape this one even if she doesn’t win the POV (Power Of Veto) competition this week.
As we previously reported, Jasmine has made Joe “Pooch” think he’s just a pawn to get Taylor out, but Jasmine had a change of plans. Now, she’s thinking about taking a shot at Pooch. Ameerah suggested to Jasmine that they should definitely take out Pooch if they have the chance to.
Currently, it’s still super early in this week. There’s still a POV (Power Of Veto) comp to be played tomorrow, July 16, 2022. We’ll really need to see the results of that before we can get a clearer picture of how this week is going to play out.
As of now, should these nominations stay the same until eviction night, Pooch should definitely be worried because he’s not really a pawn. Jasmine has definitely been contemplating taking him out. So, we’ll see if that sticks as this week moves along. Pooch has been seen saying that he doesn’t feel entirely safe, especially if Taylor wins the veto.
Again,the POV competition is scheduled to be played at some point tomorrow,July 16, 2022. So, we will certainly be back on here to reveal the results of it and to discuss how the rest of this week will look like. How do you guys feel about Joe “Pooch” and Taylor getting nominated for eviction today with Pooch as the possible target? Are you happy about it? Are you sad? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the comments section.
Alright, guys. That’s all the info we could dig up for this latest, “Big Brother” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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