Big Brother August 4, 2022 Evicted Nicole Layog (Recap)

Big Brother August 4, 2022 Evicted Nicole Layog (Recap)

Hey, fellow “Big Brother” fans. Tonight, August 4, 2022, another LIVE eviction episode for Big Brother’s current season 24 did indeed air, and we saw another houseguest make their exit at the end.

Tonight’s episode kicked off with footage of what happened in the house after Taylor and Nicole were put up as replacement nominees at the last POV ceremony. Daniel told the Diary Room aka the private cams, “I wanted to use the veto ,after all, because I knew Monte didn’t want it to be used. This is my chance to take a shot at a new alliance that’s forming.”

Kyle told Monte that Daniel is using the veto because he and Nicole thought Monte was giving them BS. Kyle told the private cams, “I found out Daniel was using the veto just before the POV meeting started. So, some of the Leftovers alliance were blindsided.” Monte told the private cams, “Daniel pretty much sealed Nicole’s fate, and she’s going home this week.”

Taylor was really upset because she thought she was blindsided at the POV meeting. She didn’t want to go up on the block again. Nicole told the private cams, “Hopefully, we can finally send Taylor packing.” Daniel told Alyssa and Indy, “Please, stick with the plan and keep Nicole because we saved you from the block.”

Joseph told the private cams, “The Leftovers have the votes to keep Taylor this week.” Nicole decided to tell Indy, Jasmine and Alyssa that she was a police officer for 10 years. Nicole went on to tell them, “I don’t ever plan on putting any of you up.” Jasmine told the private cams, “I need Nicole on my side. She was a detective. She can figure out things that I can’t.” Nicole kept telling them we have the numbers to get out Taylor.

There was a segment about how Kyle really likes Alyssa and vice-versa. However, Kyle told the private cams, “I don’t want it to seem like we’re in a showmance.” Alyssa told the private cams, “I just want Kyle to shut up and kiss me,” and they did kiss at one point. Alyssa told the private cams, “Kyle is the best kisser ever. I didn’t want to get into a showmance, but I’m willing to risk it for Kyle. I’m a girl, and I’m in love. What can I say?”

The Leftovers started plotting to get more votes for Taylor to stay so it doesn’t look like they’re working together. Nicole lied and told Monte she wants to put up the girls if she wins HOH. Monte knew she was lying to him, but he decided to use those words against Nicole by pitching it to Jasmine, and she seemed to buy it.

Jasmine immediately ran back and told Alyssa and Indy what Monte told her. Indy wasn’t buying it, and she still wanted to vote Taylor out. Jasmine said she was confused saying, “Nicole could be playing us, but we need to choose what we’re going to do.”

After all of that, the eviction nominees Nicole and Taylor gave their pleas speeches. Then, the rest of the houseguests minus HOH Monte casts their votes to evict. Joseph, Terrance, Michael, Indy, Jasmine, Turner, Kyle, Alyssa and Brittany all voted to evict Nicole. Daniel voted to evict Taylor. So, by a landslide vote of 9-1, Nicole was evicted from the Big Brother season 24 house tonight. She was a good sport about it and gave everyone a hug on her way out.

Nicole gave her exit interview with host Julie Chen-Moonves. Nicole told Julie, “I made the mistake of playing my alliance’s game instead of my own game. I thought we had the numbers to keep me safe and finally get Taylor out the house. However, I eventually realized there was a larger alliance inside the house. For me, it was strategy to get Taylor out and not personal.”

Julie told Nicole about the Leftovers alliance, and she said she was not surprised by who was in it. After listening to some goodbye messages, Nicole said, “Big Brother is amazing, and I’m so excited that I got to play.”

After the interview, it was time for Taylor to choose her new Bestie team to join since her former bestie partner Nicole had just been evicted. She decided to join Alyssa and Indy. So, now, Taylor, Indy and Alyssa will be a triple bestie group.

There was no HOH (Head Of Household) comp shown on the LIVE show tonight. So, we’ll have to let you guys know who the next HOH is later on tonight or early tomorrow, depending on when the results get revealed. How do you guys feel about Nicole getting evicted in tonight’s LIVE eviction episode? Let us know in the comments section.

The next, new episode for Big Brother season 24 is scheduled to air this Sunday night, August 7, 2022 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on CBS.

Alright, guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest, “Big Brother” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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2 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

    They got you,goodbye

  2. Pam says:


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