Big Brother 24 Spoilers: August 16, 2022 POV Ceremony Results Revealed

Hey, fellow “Big Brother” fans. We’re back in your faces with some new, very important Big Brother season 24 updates. Yesterday, August 15, 2022, the POV (Power Of Veto) ceremony did indeed take place, and we have the results of it for you guys.
Before we tell you what happened during the POV ceremony, we’re going to do a very short recap of this week ,so far, to make sure everyone is up to speed on everything. This past Thursday night, August 11, 2022, the terrible Festie Bestie twist finally ended, and Taylor took the latest HOH (Head Of Household) crown.
Then, on Friday, August 12, 2022, Taylor decided to nominate Terrance and Indy for eviction during her nomination ceremony. On Saturday, August 13, 2022, the POV competition was played, and Kyle ended up taking the win on that one.
That all brings us to yesterday’s POV Ceremony. When it was all said and done, Kyle decided not to use the veto, thereby keeping Taylor’s original nominees Terrance and Indy the same. So, Terrance and Indy are the final eviction nominees for this week, and one of them will be headed to the jury house this Thursday night, August 18, 2022.
At around 12:08 PM pacific time yesterday, August 15, 2022, Michael and Brittany were seen telling Indy that she has their vote to stay this week.
At around 12:25 PM, Kyle told Terrance, “I wouldn’t have kept the nominations the same if I felt you were in trouble.”
At around 12:50 PM, Indy told Michael, “I have Jasmine, Alyssa, Joseph, and your vote.” Michael said, “Taylor said she would break a tie in your favor. So that’s all you need.” Indy said, “I think I have Brittany’s vote too.” From there, Brittany walked in ,and Indy asked her to promise her that she will keep her. Brittany promised to keep her.
At around 1:05 PM, Indy asked Kyle for his vote. Kyle told her, “I can’t say 100 percent yet who I’m voting for because I want to talk to everyone, including Terrance.”
Judging from those conversations, it could totally be a toss-up on who goes home this Thursday night if anyone is lying to Indy about voting for her. So, I believe this is the first week that we really can’t say for sure who’s going home with high conviction, but that’s probably a good thing since it’s a little less predictable.
We’re also hearing that Kyle left the nominations the same because he was scared that Taylor might have tried to backdoor his showmance Alyssa. As we previously reported, Taylor was upset with Alyssa for some stuff she pulled in the veto comp.
Anyways, how do you guys feel about Kyle deciding not to use the veto and keeping Indy and Terrance on the chopping block? Are you happy about it? Are you sad about it? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the comments section.
Alright, guys. That’s all the info we could dig up for this latest, “Big Brother” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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