New Celebrity Big Brother Season 2 Power Of Veto Winner Revealed For January 31, 2019

Hey, fellow Big Brother fans. The Power Of Veto competition was played late last night, January 30,2019 for this current round 3, and the winner has been revealed! First, let’s do a brief recap of this round. This past Monday night, comedian and actor Tom Green won the Head Of Household competition after the house decided to give Olympic swimmer Ryan Lochte the boot.
From there, Tom proceeded to nominate Kandi and Joey for eviction. We also learned of a special power called the “Power Of The Publicist.” This one was up to America. It allows the houseguest who receives it to stop themselves from getting nominated at the next two nomination and Power of Veto ceremonies. However, it can only be used once. If it’s not used, it will expire after Monday’s February 4, 2019 Power Of Veto ceremony.
With that said, it was revealed in last night’s episode that the very annoying Braxton sister Tamar Braxton was the one who won the “Power Of The Publicist” power. So, she will be able to keep herself from being nominated in at least one of these next two nomination or Power Of veto ceremonies.
That leads us to the Power Of Veto competition that took place late last night. It turns out that the gorgeous, former WWE wrestling diva Natalie Eva Marie pulled out the victory! According to the folks over at Big Brother Network, the POV competition lasted for around four hours.
The houseguests revealed that the POV comp was a sports themed competition. At one point, Eva Marie said, “If I hadn’t won that comp, I would have received grief from my family since I played soccer growing up.” So, it sounds like the POV competition had something to do with soccer on some level. We’ll certainly find out during tomorrow’s LIVE eviction episode.
It’s no secret that Eva Marie and Lolo have been working together a lot. It’s believed that Eva will probably not use the veto and just let Kandi and Joey stay on the chopping block.
After Eva Marie won the veto, she was seen on the live feeds telling Lolo and Ricky, “I’m not using the veto. There’s no way I’m letting Tom and Kato run their game. I’m just going to tell them I’m not using it when they ask. I’ll say that as part of that group of five, I’m not comfortable using the veto to backdoor one of my own teammates.”
At one point, Tamar shockingly stated that she doesn’t want to see her arch nemesis Kandi get voted out next to Joey! So, it sounds like some progress has been made for those two.
Eva Marie got annoyed with Tamar for saying she wanted Kandi to stay. Eva said, “Tamar is never happy. I want to know why Tamar suddenly wants to keep Kandi.” Lolo said, “It doesn’t matter because there’s no way that’s happening.” So, it looks like Joey will indeed be the next one to get slaughtered on eviction night. Also, at one point, Lolo mentioned that she would like to see Tamar go before Dina.
Kandi mentioned that the Power Of Veto competition was physical and more suited for someone with good kicking skills. So, we know that it involved kicking of some sort like Eva Marie described. As always, you guys can view the Celebrity Big Brother live feeds yourself FREE for one week over at CBS by Clicking Here.
Alright, so how do you guys feel about Eva Marie winning the Power Of Veto for round 3? Are you happy about it? Are you sad about it? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the Facebook comments.
Up next, is the Power Of Veto ceremony. It’s expected to take place sometime today, January 31, 2019. We’ll definitely let you guys know the results of that. Until then, stay tuned.
Another Celebrity Big Brother season 2 episode is due to air tomorrow night,February 2, 2019 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on CBS. This one will be the LIVE eviction show. So, you won’t want to miss it. Be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here. Get your favorite TV Show and Movie stuff by Clicking Here.
I am happy that Natalie Marie Eve won the power of veto finally wins hope she is the next hoh I hope either her Dina or Lolo Jones wins this season