The Amazing Race September 21, 2022 Eliminated Nina Duong & Aastha Lal (Recap)

Hey, “The Amazing Race” fans. Tonight, September 21, 2022, the premiere episode 1 of Amazing Race’s new season 34 did indeed hit the air, and we saw the first team to get eliminated by the end of it.
Tonight’s premiere episode kicked of with the usual cast introductions. Then, host Phil Keoghan let the contestants know that they will be competing in a new competition called, “Scramble.” It consisted of the three challenges that they could complete in any order they wanted.
The three challenges were named: Roll, Saw and Smash. Phil also told them that there will be no non-elimination legs this season. So, if they showed up last, they were definitely eliminated.
In the “Roll” challenge, they had to roll a beer keg through an obstacle course to get their next clue. In the “Saw” challenge, they had to saw through a big piece of log while some music was being played by a band that was on site for their next clue.
In the “Smash” challenge, they had to smash through a thick block of ice until they found the clue inside of it for their next clue.
To start off this challenge, they had to race to get their bags, and they were off in a car to complete these challenges.
This episode was unlike any other Amazing Race episode we’ve ever seen. Since they got to complete the challenges in any order they wanted, the episode was literally scrambled. They showed different teams completing different challenges until finally one of the teams completed all three. When they did, they were given a puzzle piece that gave them a clue to where the pit stop of this leg is located, which was Friedensengel.
Derek and Claire showed up in first place, and they won $2500 each. Glenda and Lumumba finished second. Mattie and Quinton took 3rd place. Linton and Sharik came in 4th place. Emily & Molly came in 5th place. Marcus and Michael took the 6th spot.
Tim and Rex claimed the 7th place. Abby and Will took 8th. Rich and Dom came in 9th. Luis and Michelle took number 10. Aubrey and David took the very important 11th spot to barely stay in it. And poor Nina and Aastha took the 12/last spot, which indeed caused them to be eliminated.
So, Nina Duong and Aastha Lal were the first team to get ousted in The Amazing Race’s current season 34. How do you guys feel about that? Let us know in the comments section.
The next, new episode of The Amazing Race season 34 is scheduled to air next Wednesday night, September 28, 2022 at approximately 8 pm central standard time on CBS.
Alright, guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest, “The Amazing Race” TV show, recap report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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