All American Homecoming Season 2 March 6, 2023 Episode 13 Delayed. Not Airing Tonight

All American Homecoming Season 2 March 6, 2023 Episode 13 Delayed. Not Airing Tonight

Hey, “All American:Homecoming” fans. Unfortunately, we’ve got some terrible news for you guys in this article. The folks over at The CW have decided not to air a new episode of All American: Homecoming tonight, March 6, 2023. That means the next, new episode 13 of All: American Homecoming’s current season 2 will sit on the back burner a little while longer.

However, on a much brighter note, the new episode 13 is not going to be delayed for a super long time. According to the CW’s official episode 13 press release, The CW plans to air the new episode 13 as early as next Monday night, March 13, 2023 in its usual, 8 pm central standard time slot. So, definitely be on the lookout for it next Monday night.

We did take a look at what The CW will air in All American: Homecoming’s spot tonight. According to the TV guide listings, they’re just going to throw up a rerun episode of All American: Homecoming. They’re going to re-air the 9th episode of this season 2 titled, “Hard Place.”

The CW’s official description for this repeat episode 9 of All American: Homecoming season 2 reads like this, “Simone struggles with trying to balance her new duties and her loyalty to Nate, leaving her to question if she made the right decision. Marcus sees that Thea is struggling on the court and offers her help in an unexpected way.”

If any of you guys missed that particular repeat episode of All American: Homecoming the first time it aired ,or you just wouldn’t mind watching it again, you might still want to hit up The CW tonight as you normally would during that time. If you did see this repeat episode and have no desire to see it again, you will definitely want to get some other plans lined up as fast as you can.

Spoiler Warning: We did get a hold of an official teaser description for the next, new episode 13 of All american: Homecoming’s current season 2 from The CW’s official episode 13 press release. It let us know that this new episode 13 is officially labeled/titled, “Lose to Win.”

The CW’s official description for episode 13 reads like this, “As Simone (Geffri Maya) and the Bringston tennis team travel to their tournament, prepared to dominate, an unexpected encounter puts them in danger. Simone, being a leader for her team, provides strength in a time of serious trouble.

Damon (Peyton Alex Smith) ponders his next move in one area of his life, while dealing with a new baseball rival that ends up proving useful. Meanwhile, Nathaniel (Rhoyle Ivy King) is presented with a challenge that she is unsure if she should accept, and Keisha (Netta Walker) works vigorously to appease her professor, which is met with grim consequences.”

Again, The CW confirmed that the next, new episode 13 of All American: Homecoming’s current season 2 is scheduled to finally make its way to the air next Monday night, March 13, 2023 at approximately 8 pm central standard time.

Alright, guys. That is going to wrap it up for this latest, “All American: Homecoming” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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