New Grey’s Anatomy Season 19 April 6, 2023 Episode 13 Spoilers Revealed

New Grey’s Anatomy Season 19 April 6, 2023 Episode 13 Spoilers Revealed

Hey, “Grey’s Anatomy” fans. It’s that time again, We’ve got anther new spoiler session for your favorite ABC medical drama Grey’s Anatomy in this article because the folks over at ABC will indeed serve up another new episode of Grey’s Anatomy next Thursday night, April 6, 2023. That’s right, guys. This next, new episode will be the 13th installment for Grey’s Anatomy’s current season 19, and we’ve got some spoiler scoops for it.

We were able to round up a couple of new, official teaser descriptions for this new episode 13 straight from ABC’s official episode 13 press release. So, we’re going to definitely see what it has to say right now. Let’s do it.

First off, this new episode 13 of Grey’s Anatomy season 19 does have an official title to go along with it. ABC let us know that it’s called, “Cowgirls Don’t Cry.” It sounds like episode 13 will feature some very intense, dramatic, interesting and possible emotional scenes as a very injured bull rider shows up on the scene. Simone runs into an issue. Some extreme measures get taken and more.

We’ll go ahead and start off this spoiler session with the injured bull rider situation. Yep, it turns out that some poor bull rider is going to get afflicted with some very serious injuries in this episode, and he will show up at Grey Sloan to get some help. Apparently, Maggie, Amelia, Owen and Blue will be on the scene as this situation will cause them to examine their own biases.

ABC’s official description for this injured bull rider plotline tells us, “A bull rider shows up at Grey Sloan with severe injuries, forcing Maggie, Amelia, Owen and Blue to examine their own biases.”

The second spoiler scoop reveals that Simone will take up some spotlight at some point. During her new set of scenes, she will be having a rough time because a maid of honor will be quite the challenge for her to find.

ABC’s description for this Simone issue reads like this, “Elsewhere, Simone can’t find anyone to be her maid of honor.”

The 3rd and last teaser description for this new episode 13 lets us know that Mika will be on the scene at some point. Apparently, her student debt tab will be so friggin high that she will feel the need to take some very extreme measures to pay some of it off.

ABC’s description for this Mika student debt debacle reads like this, “Mika takes drastic measures to pay down her student debt.”

ABC’s press release confirmed that the next, new episode 13 of Grey’s Anatomy’s current season 19 is indeed scheduled to show up next Thursday night, April 6, 2023 at approximately 8 pm central standard time.

Alright, guys. That is going to be all we’ve got for this latest, “Grey’s Anatomy” TV show, spoiler report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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Megan Jones
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