Big Brother August 11, 2023 HOH (Head Of Household) Winner Revealed

Big Brother August 11, 2023 HOH (Head Of Household) Winner Revealed

Hey, “Big Brother” fans. We’re back with another very important report/update from inside the Big Brother season 25 house. As we previously reported, there was no HOH (Head Of Household) competition during last night’s LIVE eviction episode. So, we had to wait it out and see how the next HOH comp played out on the Big Brother Live feeds.

Well, the wait is over now. The new HOH comp was played in the very early morning hours today, August 11, 2023, and we’ve got the results of that competition for you guys. As we previously reported, Kirsten did indeed get sent packing in last night’s LIVE eviction episode even though the Big Brother season 25 production team kicked out houseguest Luke Valentine for saying the N word. We thought for sure they would probably cancel the LIVE eviction episode because of that, but they didn’t.

Anywas, with that said, the remaining houseguests were called to the Scaryverse to play this most recent HOH comp, and Hisam emerged as the winner of it. Additionally, the folks over at Big Brother Network mentioned that Jared got sent to the Nether region during this comp, and we don’t currently know when he’ll return. So, that could be interesting.

As you guys will recall, Cory was sent to the Nether region during the premiere episode, but he came right back in a pretty short amount of time. Maybe, they’ll do something different with Jared. We’ll have to wait and see.

We’re also hearing that since the HOH power is now a part of Cirie’s side of the house, she has mentioned trying to target Cameron for eviction this week. At around 1:25 AM pacific standard time today, August 11, 2023, Cirie was seen saying on the live feeds, “I’m happy with Hisam winning, and I hope he will backdoor Cameron.”

Hisam was also seen revealing that Jared came in second to Hisam and got a punishment, which sent him to the Nether region. At around 1:35 am, Hisam mentioned to Felicia that he actually wants to target Reilly for eviction the most. So, he’s thinking about nominating Reilly and Cameron for eviction this week.

Meanwhile, Cameron is in the dark as he was seen telling Matt and Jag that he thinks he’ll be okay this week. At around 2:45 AM, Blue, Cameron, Jag, Matt and Reilly were all seen talking about trying to persuade Hisam to nominate America and Cory this week.

Based on that intel, it’s highly possible that we could see Reilly and Cameron get nominated for eviction during Hisam’s nomination ceremony, which is scheduled to take place later on today. So, we’ll certainly be back with the results from that session. Be sure to follow us on our official Big Brother Twitter page for the latest Big Brother news and updates by Clicking Here.

How do you guys feel about Hisam winning the new HOH today? Let us know in the comments section. Alright, guys. That’s all the spoiler scoops we’ve got for this latest, “Big Brother” TV show, spoiler report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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