MasterChef July 10, 2024 Eliminated Sunshine Carlos (Recap)

MasterChef July 10, 2024 Eliminated Sunshine Carlos (Recap)

Hey, “MasterChef” fans. Tonight, July 10, 2024, another new episode of MasterChef’s current season 14 did hit the air with judges Gordon Ramsay, Aarón Sánchez, and Joe Bastianich, and we saw another unlucky contestant bite the elimination bullet at the end of it.

Tonight’s new episode kicked off with the remaining contestants learning that their challenge for this episode required them to make a great dish from aged foods with a minimum of two aged ingredients.

Rebecca won the immunity pin in the last challenge. So, she was safe and didn’t have to compete in this challenge. She also got to give one unlucky team a 3rd, aged ingredient to cook with, making things more difficult for them. They were given 60 minutes to complete this challenge.

During the challenge, Becca told Gordon that she was making an aged duck dish. Murt told Aaron and Joe that he was making a dry aged rib eye dish. At one point, Joe told Becca, “I don’t think your duck breast dish is gonna work.” She also started to think it wouldn’t work.

Anna told Joe and Aaron that she was making an aged fish dish. Christopher told Gordon he was making an aged snapper dish. Gordon said, “It sounds promising.”

At this point, Rebecca gave the extra 3rd ingredient to the Gen X team saying, “Sorry, you guys are my toughest competition.” The 3rd ingredient turned out to be aged Stilton cheese. Sunshine said, “The cheese is really bad. It’s so bitter. This is a giant sh*^t show.”

Sunshine told Gordon she’s making an aged rib eye dish. Gordon told her, “40 minutes has already passed. This rib eye should be cooked by now. Please, get that steak cooked.”

Kimberly told Gordon she’s making an aged duck breast dish. She was actually confident in using the aged Stilton cheese that she got stuck with.

Warren told Gordon he’s making an aged New York strip dish. Gordon was seen saying, “Sunshine is very behind.” When time ran out, Sunshine said, “I’m a little worried about my steak,” but she still had a smile on her face. The judges walked around to look at all the dishes, and then revealed the top four dishes belonged to Becca, Anna, Kimberly and Warren.

Becca presented a dry aged duck breast dish. Joe said, “It looks perfectly plated.” Gordon said, “It’s delicious. It’s seasoned beautifully. Good job.” Aaron said, “You hit it on the mark.” Joe said, “It’s a very mature dish. Bravo.”

Anna presented an oil-poached aged snapper dish. Gordon said, “You nailed it. It’s delicious. Great job.” Aaron said, “I just love it. Good job.” Joe said, “It’s very delicious. Good job.”

Kimberly presented a dry aged duck breast dish. Gordon said, “It looks delicious. It’s technically sound. The potatoes are fantastic. Good job.” Joe said, “It’s super balanced.” Gordon said, “It’s very delicious. Accomplished cooking. Good job.”

Warren presented a dry aged New York strip dish. Gordon said, “The New York strip is cooked beautifully. Really good job.” Aaron said, “This is old school in the best of ways.”

After all of that, the judges decided that Anna had the best dish. So, she won immunity for her an her Millennials team.

Next, the judges revealed the worst three dishes belonged to Fatima, Sunshine and Christopher. Fatima presented an aged salmon dish. Gordon said, “It just doesn’t work.” Aaron said, “The saving grace was the moist salmon.” Joe said, “There are too many flavors in this dish. It’s like mass confusion.”

Sunshine presented a dry aged rib eye dish. Gordon said, “The rib eye is way too raw. That’s a shame.” Aaron said, “It taste like butane.” Joe said, “It’s much too heavy. The potatoes are overcooked.” Gordon said, “The rib eye is undercooked. The potatoes are full of grease.”

Christopher presented a steamed egg snapper dish. Joe said, “It looks like it was plated at a buffet line.” Gordon said, “The fish is actually cooked beautifully.” Aaron said, “The puree ruined it.”

After all of that, the judges decided that Sunshine had the worst dish. So, she was sadly eliminated. Gordon told her, “I’m shocked. I love what you stood for in this competition. Promise me you’ll keep cooking.”

Sunshine told the private cams, “I second-guessed myself tonight. That’s not what it takes to stay here. Making it to MasterChef was a great accomplishment though.”

Alright, guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest, “MasterChef” TV show, recap report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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