Big Brother Season 20 Bayleigh Was Brought To Tears And Anguish Today, August 6, 2018

Big Brother Season 20 Bayleigh Was Brought To Tears And Anguish Today, August 6, 2018

Happy Monday “Big Brother” fans. Well, today was the big day and the huge POV Ceremony did indeed go down just a couple of hours ago, and it left houseguest Bayleigh very upset and in tears at certain times. Before we go over what took place during it, let’s go back in time for those of you who are not up to speed on what has happened up until this point.

The current HOH Angela decided to nominate Scottie and Angie Rockstar for eviction this past Friday, August 3, 2018. Then right after that, the Big Brother production team decided to activate their new hacker twist competition since their Power app twist is over.

The winner of the hacker comp got to replace one of the HOH’s eviction nominees with a person they wanted to evict. They also got to pick someone to play for veto, and they will get to cancel out one of the votes during this Thursday night’s live eviction show. Haleigh ended up winning the hacker comp. She used her hacker power to take Scottie off the chopping block, and she replaced him with Tyler.

Since the hacker was anonymous, it caused everyone to scramble, trying to find out who the hacker was. Eventually, the L6 crew: Angela, Kaycee, Tyler and Brett settled for accusing Bayleigh as being the hacker. So, they decided to make plans to backdoor her if any of them won the Power of Veto. The Veto comp took place this past Saturday, August 4, 2018, and Angela surely enough pulled out the victory.

This caused the L6 crew to go into celebration mode as they now knew they could solidify their plans to backdoor Bayleigh this week. Now, that leads us to today’s POV Ceremony festivities. Last night, Angela was talking about how she was going to tell Bayleigh she’s the hacker and so on and so forth. Then throw her on the chopping block.

Fast-forward to today, August 6, 2018, and that’s exactly what Angela did. She used her veto to take Tyler off the block, and she replaced him with Bayleigh. Surprisingly, Bayleigh did not blow a head gasket. However, she did later express to Sam that she really wanted to. She also heavily teared up to Sam. Sam eventually talked her down though.

The first big thing that happened after the POV Ceremony meeting is that Bayleigh came banging on the HOH room door at around 12:15 pm pacific time today, but Angela would not let her in. Angela kept saying, ” I don’t want to talk right now.” Angela was seen saying, “I don’t want to talk to Bayleigh.”

Also, there was a moment on the feeds where Bayleigh said Angela told her that her power trip was over or something like that. It was something very offensive and rude.

At around 12:19 pm, Bayleigh was seen telling Haleigh that Tyler treated her like trash when she tried to talk him about not being the hacker. She also said Tyler is going to feel like such an idiot when he watches this back.

Bayleigh also told Haleigh, “I’m not going to try and fight with the other houseguests over this, and I don’t want to stay here with them. I won’t lie or cheat to stay.” Bayleigh also said that she’s very upset she didn’t try to use her special power app power this week.

At one point, Scottie tried to check in on Bayleigh, and she immediately accused him of conspiring with Tyler to make this backdoor plan happen. Actually, Scottie didn’t make it happen, but he sure has completely defected to the other side. He’s been seen telling the L6 crew everything that the broken Foutte clan tells him. He’s basically playing both sides like a little rat weasal.

Angela was seen saying on the feeds that it doesn’t matter if Bayleigh is the real hacker or not. Bayleigh was always her main target anyways because of her power app power. So, basically Bayliegh did make herself a target by letting Rachel know about her special power last week.

Bayleigh and Kaycee also had a moment. Apparently, they had gotten pretty close in the house. In fact, they were kind of flirting with each other before Bayleigh hooked up with Swaggy C. Even though Kaycee is not on Bayleigh’s side in the game, she teared up for Bayleigh because she could see that she was hurt by what had just transpired during the POV ceremony. In fact, they both started balling at one point.

They had a little discussion about it. Kaycee told Bayleigh, “I really do care for you, and it sucks to see you hurting like this.” Bayleigh swore up and down to Kaycee that she is not the hacker. Of course, Kaycee doesn’t really know what to believe. So, she just basically said, “ok” to Bayleigh when Bayleigh was trying to make that claim.

Bayleigh also tried to tell Tyler the same thing at about 12:56 pm in the Kitchen. Tyler also not having the real facts, just said, “ok.”

At around 1:30 pm,Kaycee was seen telling Tyler, “Deep down, I still think Bayleigh is the hacker. If it’s not her, it was Scottie.” So, no one currently suspects that it was Haleigh that was the hacker. She did a marvelous job keeping her mouth shut about it to any and everyone to make sure nothing ever slipped from anyone’s tongue. She also made sure to deflect the blame onto other possible suspects.

At around 1:38 pm, Tyler was seen saying, “If I win HOH, I will nominate Angie Rockstar and Haleigh with Faysal as a backdoor plan.”

At around 2 pm, Angela was seen telling Kaycee and some of her other alliance people at various times that she will probably wait until tomorrow before she tries to talk to Bayleigh. And at that time, she’s going to make sure there is someone else with her when she does. Her reasoning is that she wants to make sure there are witnesses present in case Bayleigh tries to later misconstrue anything Angela says.

At around 2:05 pm,JC was seen telling Angela and company, “Angie Rockstar is going to be hard to save because she’s so bad at this. Rockstar was saying she doesn’t think Bayleigh is the hacker and she’s on the block next to her. She should be using that to save herself.”

At around 2:30 pm, Bayleigh was seen telling Haleigh, “I can’t even look at Kaycee right now because she knew what was happening. If I stay, I’m obviously going for Tyler and Angela next week.”

Well, at least Bayleigh finally realized that Tyler is shady. Just last week, she was trying to protect him when she was HOH. Unfortunately, it looks like it may be too little too late for Bayleigh. She is definitely Angela’s target this week, and I believe they have the votes to get her out.

JC, Brett,Tyler, Kaycee, and I think Sam and Scottie will for sure vote out Bayleigh. Haleigh will be able to cancel out one of their votes, but that should still be more than enough to send Bayliegh home this Thursday night.

Scottie was seen telling Angela that Haleigh wants to vote to keep Bayleigh over Angie Rockstar which I found interesting because they are both in her alliance. It looks like Haleigh values Bayleigh more than Angie. I wonder how Angie’s going to feel about that moving forward. Not too happy I suspect. But, it’s no secret this Foutte alliance has been busted from the start ever since crazy Kaitlyn started flipping on them and then backdoored Swaggy C.

We like Haliegh. Hopefully, she can somehow maneuver out of this mess, but it’s starting to look pretty bleak at this point. We’ll see. Maybe, another big shake-up will happen. There is one more week of the hacker competition. It’ll be interesting to see who wins it next week, and who they’ll put up.

Alright guys. So , what do you think of Angela’s decision to backdoor Bayleigh today? Do you hate it? Do you like it? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the Facebook comments.

That wraps it up for this latest Big Brother POV Ceremony report. As always,you guys can view the Big Brother live feeds yourself FREE for one week over at CBS by Clicking Here.

Another new episode of Big Brother season 20 is scheduled to air this Wednesday night, August 8, 2018 at 7 pm central standard time on CBS. So, be sure to tune in for that one. It’s going to feature the POV competition and POV ceremony. Also, be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here.

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2 Responses

  1. N Upson says:

    Hated it! Angela is a mean girl. What goes around comes around. She can’t win.

  2. Anonymous says:

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