New Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie Received Mostly Negative Reviews From Major Critics

New Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie Received Mostly Negative Reviews From Major Critics

Paramount Pictures released their new action/remake film “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” into theaters today, August 8th, and all the reviews are in from the top critics. It turns out that most of them definitely were not even close to being impressed with this flick, only getting an overall 34 score out of a possible 100 across 23 reviews at the site.

The film stars: Megan Fox, Alan Ritchson, Jeremy Howard, Pete Ploszek, Noel Fisher, Will Arnett and Danny Woodburn. We’ve posted blurbs from a couple of the critics,below.

Bruce Ingram from the Chicago Sun-Times, gave it a 63 grade, saying: “[A] basically brainless but intermittently adrenalizing, mostly-just-for-kids reboot.” Kyle Anderson from Entertainment Weekly, gave it a 58 grade. He stated: “Turtles is head-and-shell better than “Transformers.” Cowabunga?”

Justin Lowe over at The Hollywood Reporter, gave it a 50 score, stating: “The castmembers portraying Splinter and the turtles achieve a persuasive level of realism that was never possible with the elaborate puppetry required for the original film series and adequately fulfill expectations for their characters.”

Nicolas Rapold over at the The New York Times, gave it a 40 grade. He said: “A certain kind of discipline and experience is at work here: It’s no accident that the action and dialogue seem blandly cartoonish, as if the moviemakers wanted to keep everything easy for all ages to follow.”

Mark Olsen from the Los Angeles Times, gave it a 40 grade as well, saying: “Not out-and-out terrible enough to be completely dismissed, while also not particularly memorable either, perhaps the truest summation of the film is to say simply that the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is a movie that exists.”

Justin Chang from Variety, gave it a 40 score. He stated: “Neither a particularly good movie nor the pop-cultural travesty that some were dreading.”

Tom Russo from the Boston Globe, gave it a 38 score. He said: “The repartee, as ever, is weak. Even with all the extra layers of digital detail, it’s still tough to keep these four straight. And the CG characters’ slimy rendering and motion-capture expressiveness could go down with “The Polar Express” as a study in inadvertent, technologically misguided screen creepiness. Wackier would have been OK, guys — it’s the Ninja Turtles.”

Claudia Puig from USA Today, gave it a 38 grade, saying: ” Is there a word that means the opposite of Cowabunga? If so, that’s the word for the charmless, dull and derivative new take on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.”

Kyle Smith over at the New York Post, gave it an extremely low 25 grade, saying: “They’ve been around so long that they’re now the Middle-Aged Mutant Ninja Turtles, and their ’80s vibe — cowabunga, dude! — is so strong that I kept expecting a cameo by Huey Lewis or Max Headroom.”

Finally, Joe Neumaier at the New York Daily News, gave it absolutely nothing with a 0 score. He claimed: “The cloddish, confusing action scenes make no sense. Young viewers’ eyes will glaze from the first-person video-game style. Nonaction scenes feature people sniping at each other, or, in Arnett’s case, croaking out the script’s half-assed witticisms, until the Turtles show up.” Stay tuned. Also, get your favorite Movie stuff, and more by Clicking Here.

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