New ‘The Grey’ Movie Delivered Intense Drama,Thrills,Action & Unfinished Ending

New ‘The Grey’ Movie Delivered Intense Drama,Thrills,Action & Unfinished Ending

New ‘The Grey’ movie delivered intense drama,thrills,action & unfinished ending. Open Road Films released their new,intense drama flick “The Grey” into theaters this weekend. I just watched it,and I thought it was a pretty good watch. However,if you’re looking for a good ending,or an ending at all,this isn’t the movie to get it from.

They left the ending completely up to our imaginations. Even though they did leave the ending incomplete,it was pretty clear what might have happened. The movie stars: Liam Neeson, Frank Grillo, Dermot Mulroney, Dallas Roberts, Joe Anderson, James Badge Dale,and Nonso Anozie.

In the film, character John Ottway (Liam Neeson) and his oil drilling team take a plane ride home from Alaska. Unfortunately, for them, the plane is unable to withstand the weather and it crashes in the middle of the Alaskan wilderness,basically nowhere.

As the men search for food and shelter,they noticed a wolf was on the scene,and it ultimately turned out to be one of a huge heard of the vicious creatures. Now knowing they are being hunted,they quickly try to make there way into the trees,and to eventually find some sort of shelter or civilization.

However,their streak of bad luck continues as each of the men steadily get picked off, either by the wolves,the cold,drowning,or just plain giving up. Eventually,only Ottway is left standing as the wolves,the running,and the extremely cold blizzard proved to be too much for the other guys.

Once Ottway is alone, he takes a little time to reflect on some memories of his wife before realizing the wolves are hovering around him,looking to make him their next meal. Running on “last hope” fuel, Ottway gets his weapons ready to do battle,and from there,it’s anybody’s guess as to how that turned out. However,guessing from all the wolves that were on the scene,it’s probably a good guess that he got eaten.

Anyways,I thought the movie was very interesting to watch,and I found myself wondering what I would do in such a bad situation. There was lots of good action and thrills thrown in throughout the film,which kept it pretty entertaining as well. I gave the movie a good B+ rating. Follow us on Facebook by Clicking Here. Follow us on Twitter by Clicking Here.

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