New ‘Silent House’ Movie Delivered Tons Of Thrills,Suspense,Twists & More

New ‘Silent House’ Movie Delivered Tons Of Thrills,Suspense,Twists & More

New ‘Silent House’ movie delivered tons of thrills,suspense,twists & more. Open Road films released their new horror/thriller flick “Silent House” into theaters this weekend. I just watched it,and I thought it was pretty good. A bit weird,but still pretty good. It provided a lot of intrigue,suspense,hardcore drama,and thrills. The movie stars: Elizabeth Olsen, Adam Trese, Eric Sheffer Stevens, Julia Taylor Ross, Haley Murphy,and Adam Barnett.

In the new flick, character Sarah (Elizabeth Olsen) and John go to their family’s secluded lake house,which is free of contact to the outside world. Not too long after that, Sarah immediately gets spooked by a loud noise,so she roams the house,and gets scared out of her freaking mind when she notices that someone else has entered the house,or so it appeared.

She eventually sees that her dad has been hit over the head,and finally gets out of the house. However,she eventually makes her way back into the house when she runs into her uncle Peter. Peter immediately drives her back to the house in an attempt to try and help her father.

At this point,the ultra weirdness really picks up as Sarah and Peter walk through the house. Eventually,Peter gets knocked out too,but Sarah,somehow,never manages to get hurt,which in hindsight,is always the dead giveaway to the big twist that was revealed at the conclusion of this flick.

I enjoyed watching the movie as it provided a lot of spooky moments,like a little girl running around the house,bodies being dragged around,and weird conversations being overheard. Their was always an air of mystery,along with lots of suspense. The twist was pretty interesting too. I gave the movie a solid B+ grade. Follow us on Facebook by Clicking Here. Follow us on Twitter by Clicking Here.

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