Big Brother 23 Spoilers: August 27, 2021 Eviction Nominees Revealed

Hey, “Big Brother” fans. We hope your Friday is treating you well. We are, of course, back with another very important update from inside the Big Brother season 23 house. Earlier today, August 27, 2021, the eviction nomination ceremony did take place. So, we have our first set of eviction nominees for this week. We’re going to tell you who they are in this article.
As we previously reported, Tiffany claimed the latest HOH (Head Of Household) competition victory during last night’s LIVE eviction show. So, Tiffany was in charge of nominating this week’s nominees for eviction.
During Tiffany’s nomination ceremony, she ended up throwing Sarah and Kyland on the eviction chopping block. That means Sarah and Kyland are the initial eviction nominees for this week. Xavier is also on the chopping block as a 3rd nominee due to his punishment that he incurred in last week’s POV (Power Of Veto) competition.
Sarah is Tiffany’s main target as we expected, but these nominees could totally change this week, either through a POV comp win or the High Roller’s room twist. This week’s High Roller’s room twist will give someone the opportunity to win the ultimate power, which is the “Coin Of Destiny.” It will allow the holder of it to totally overturn the current HOH’s nominees. So,basically, it will allow the winner to become the new HOH.
After Tiffany’s nomination ceremony, she was seen selling the lie to Sarah that she’s trying to get Kyland out.
This just in. We’ve got the results of the High Roller’s room twist. Again, this one was for the ultimate Coin Of Destiny power. When it was all played and done, it was Claire that came out the winner!
According to the Big Brother Network folks, Claire took over Tiffany’s HOH. However, Claire didn’t change Tiffany’s nominees Kyland and Sarah. So, Sarah, Kyland and Xavier are still the three nominees for eviction after the High Roller’s room twist.
Big Brother Network said, Tiffany had to clear her stuff out of her HOH room to make room for Claire’s reign as HOH. With all of that out of the way, that only leaves the POV competition that could change the nominees for this week.
The POV comp is scheduled to be played tomorrow, August 28, 2021. So, we will be back on here to report on the results of it this Sunday along with some more LIVE feed conversations.
How do you guys feel about Sarah and Kyland getting nominated for eviction with Sarah as the main target, and Claire winning the Coin Of Destiny and taking over Tiffany’s HOH? Let us know in the comments section.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Big Brother” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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