New World War Z 2 Sequel Could Possibly Happen,New Details Revealed By Brad Pitt

New World War Z 2 Sequel Could Possibly Happen,New Details Revealed By Brad Pitt

New World War Z 2 sequel could possibly happen,new details revealed by Brad Pitt. According to a new report from Movieweb, World War Z main man, Brad Pitt,along with director,Marc Forster, chatted about a possible sequel to this big film,while promoting it over at the Moscow premiere, and it turns out that we could definitely see one,pending this first does well.

In other words, makes a shitload of money,lol! Anyways, Brad also mentioned that they do have a lot more story to tell with this franchise,stating, “There is enough to mine from the book. We could barely get a fraction of the book in. So we’ll see. We’ll see.”Then, Marc chimed in to say, “Let’s see how this goes. We hope this movie goes well and we shall go from there.”

Currently, the movie is doing quite well at the box office,already taking over the number one spot from the big “Superman: Man Of Steel” flick, so I would say, you should probably get ready to see a sequel,especially if they have more story to tell. Stay tuned. Follow us on Facebook by Clicking Here. Follow us on Twitter by Clicking Here.

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