Big Brother 19 HOH Revealed All Eviction Nominees Yesterday August 11th

Late last night, August 11, 2017, the eviction nomination ceremony finally took place for Big Brother season 19. The current HOH Alex decided to nominate Jason and Elena for eviction this week. The real target is Cody. They plan to backdoor him again. According to Big Brother Network, Paul had originally volunteered to go up as a pawn instead of Jason.
However, Jason apparently just wouldn’t take no for an answer! He was actually begging to go up on the block because he wants to make sure he competes for the veto to make sure Cody doesn’t win it if he happens to get drawn.
As previously reported, Mark and Elena were Alex’s very first nomination plans with Cody as the backdoor target. If that didn’t work, they agreed to get rid of Mark as a plan B. But Mark won the special temptation competition to win safety for the week. So, that scratched those plans. Also, Matt finished in last place in the temptation competition, making him an automatic third nominee for the chopping block.
So, here’s the situation that we currently have. Elena, Jason and Matt are on the block. The real plan is to hope and pray that Cody doesn’t get drawn to play in the veto. If he does happen to get drawn, make sure he doesn’t win it. If those vital things work out, we should definitely expect to see Cody get backdoored for a second time this season and sent on his way out the door on Thursday night.
The Power Of Veto competition is expected to be played later on today August 12th. We don’t have the exact time. It’s always random. We’ll definitely report the outcome as soon as we find out what it is. Currently, Cody has appeared to have just totally given up on the game.
Josh was talking about it with Paul on the live feeds last night. Josh said he tried to talk briefly with Cody and he told Josh that he had given up. So, it looks like both he and Jessica are just quitters. It’s a shame that Jessica gave up her game for him.
Additionally, there was a moment where Christmas called out Mark yesterday for doing shady game moves. The fight was sparked by Mark. Apparently, he tried to confront her for telling Alex that she saw him talking game with Cody. Instead, Christmas turned that around on him to expose some of the flip flopping that he’s been doing throughout the game. Josh chimed in briefly to back Christmas up. It was a very interesting and dramatic 25 to 30 minutes.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for now but definitely stay tuned because more stuff is on the way. Be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here.