Fortnite Season 7 Is About To Unleash Another Brand New, Powerful Weapon

Fortnite Season 7 Is About To Unleash Another Brand New, Powerful Weapon

Happy Monday, Fortnite fans. We’ve got some very interesting, new intel to spring on you in this latest Fortnite report. It turns out that Fortnite is about to add yet another new weapon to help you guys slay your way through yet another season!

According to the folks over at ,Epic Games teased the addition of swords getting added to the mix on their official Fortnite Twitter page earlier today, December 10,2018. Their Twitter post features a short video clip of hands grabbing a sword in Fortnite. It’s accompanied with the caption: “Coming soon. A weapon fit for a King.” You guys can view that Twitter post on Fortnite’s official Twitter page by Clicking Here.

In addition to the swords weapon alert, PC Gamer also pointed out that the current season 7 is scheduled to last about two weeks longer than previous seasons so the developers can take a winter break. Currently, it is not yet known when the swords will arrive on Fortnite. Hopefully, some new details about that will surface in the not-too-distant future. We’ll definitely let you guys know when we here something new about it.

How do you guys feel about swords getting added to Fortnite? Are you happy about it? Are you sad about it? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the Facebook comments.

In related Fortnite news, is reporting that a major complaint has been brought to Epic Games developers about players not incurring any damages when the x-4 Stormwing plane gets destroyed. Apparently, players who have been getting shot out of mid-air while in the X-4 Stormwing have not been getting damaged at all!

This has caused some community members to question the Fortnite developers if a change should be made. That very thing happened yesterday, December 9, 2018. One of the Fortnite players tweeted at one of the design leaders for Epic Games Eric Williamson about the X-4 Stormwing issue. The question read like this, ” @erwil9 just to ask if there’s any plans to make it a bad thing to be shot down in a plane? Atm players essentially then get to reposition themselves for a fight or glide away. Perhaps receiving damage upon vehicle explosion OR can only FF/Glide if you bail out before explosion?”

Eric replied with, “Yes, we’ve discussed a small amount of damage to passengers when a plane is destroyed. Still determining what amount feels fair.” You guys can view that tweet over on Twitter by Clicking Here.

So, if any of you guys have been loving getting away with getting shot out of the air in an X-4 Stormwing without getting injured, you might want to rethink your strategy moving forward because a change is coming. It was not specified when they will add this change, but they are definitely looking into it.

Alright guys. That’s all we got for this latest Fortnite report, but definitely stay tuned for more. Be sure to follow us on our Fortnite Video Game News Facebook page for more Fortnite Video Game news, tips and more by Clicking Here.

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