‘Bold And The Beautiful’ Florence Vows To Tell Hope Her Baby Was Stolen This Week

Happy Sunday,”Bold And The Beautiful” fans. We hope you guys are enjoying your weekend. We’ve got some big news to tell you guys today or so it would seem, anyways. You can never be too sure with the Bold And The Beautiful producers. CBS released a brand new preview clip for the upcoming March 11 to 15, 2019 episodes, and it is absolutely on fire when it comes to the Florence storyline.
She has just totally flipped her wig now. After hanging out with Hope and getting to know her, she is in a state of mind to where she just wants to go ahead and blab to Hope everything that she and Reese did to steal her baby! In fact, we see Flo outright vowing to do it in a fit of rage with Reese!
Flo has definitely gone off the deep end, especially when you consider that she is going to go straight to prison with Reese if she tells Hope. This is just an in sane storyline. Anyways, let’s go ahead and get into the details of this new preview clip. The segment that involves Flo and Reese, starts out with Reese telling Zoe and Flo, “I don’t want any of us to go to jail!” After that, we see Flo yelling at Reese, “Hope is going to know that her baby is still alive, and there is nothing that you can do to stop me!” So, this definitely looks quite serious.
Obviously, Flo threatening to tell Hope the truth and her actually going through with it are two totally different things. If Flo is going to do it, we can tell you that we don’t see any teasers that mention her doing it this week. We’ve just got this one big scene that shows her vowing to do it.
That doesn’t mean that she won’t blab the secret this week. It just means we can’t officially confirm it. One thing’s for sure is that Flo is certainly on edge right now, and we could see her totally breaking down at any moment. Now that Flo knows Hope and is mingling with her, an opportunity for her to tell Hope her baby was stolen becomes much more likely.
The narration for their scenes in the preview clip said, “True lies will be exposed.” All I can say to that is we hope so. Everyone’s getting restless over here.
Also in the preview clip, it is revealed that the producers are looking to push Katie and Bill back together. I personally find this storyline extremely uninteresting, but this is what they’re doing. So, let’s go over it real quick. Bill and Katie’s segment starts out with Donna telling Katie,”You’re falling for him again.” Katie says, “Bill and I have been married twice. Both times, it didn’t work out.” Donna says, “Three times the charm.”
After that, it cuts to scene that features Katie meeting Bill for lunch or whatever at the Il Giardino restaurant. We hear Katie say, “Someone is messing with us.” Apparently,Justin and Donna were able to set them up on lunch date. Bill says to Katie, “Don’t mind at all. It always feels good being with you.” On that note, it definitely looks like they’re going to recycle this tired and played out Bill and Katie love story, ugh.
Anyways, the narration for their scenes said, “True love can’t be denied.” So, there you have it. It looks like Katie and Bill’s love just can’t be denied. You guys can view the new Bold And The Beautiful preview clip for the March 11 to 15, 2019 episodes over on Youtube by Clicking Here.
Some other very important storylines to make note of for the not-too-distant future is that Steffy will decide to leave town with baby Phoebe and Kelly! This will leave Hope absolutely devastated!
As we previously reported, the Thomas Forrester character has been recast, and he will finally be making his return, onscreen appearance this week! Sally is going to come face to face with him again. So, this could be very interesting, considering that the last time Sally had interactions with Thomas, he broke up with her after dragging her all the way to New York. Also, Sally is now dating Wyatt. I think we might finally see some drama finally get thrown at the Sally and Wyatt romance. It took the producers a while, but they’re making their way around to it.
Alright guys. I think that’s all we’ve got for this latest “Bold And The Beautiful” report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
The “Bold And The Beautiful” airs every Monday through Friday at 12:30 pm central standard time on CBS.
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