Pokemon Go Is Bringing Back Latios Pokemon For A Special Raid Week Event

Pokemon Go Is Bringing Back Latios Pokemon For A Special Raid Week Event

Hey, Pokemon Go fans. We’ve got some exciting news to tell you guys. Apparently, Pokemon Go is setting up a new, special Raid Week event, and it’s going to bring back the legendary dragon, psychic-type Pokemon from the Hoenn region, Latios, back!

That’s right, guys! According to the folks over at Polygon.com,Latios is going to return to the Pokemon Go raids for one week. That one week will start on Monday, April 15, 2019 at approximately 4 pm eastern standard time. It will end on Monday, April 22, 2019 at approximately 4 pm eastern standard time. Be sure to mark down those very important dates and times on your event calendars.

This new event, of course, means you will have a week top prepare for this big event. Latios will return with the possibility of appearing Shiny, similarly to how his sister Latias did way back in February 2019. Polygon.com pointed out that Latios will be sharing tier five raids with Origin Forme Giratina for a week.

They also said that players can prepare for the new Latios reappearance by collecting as many dragon-type Pokemons as they can. They think Rayquaza is an excellent counter, but Dragonite and Salamence will still work out pretty well too. They pointed out that Giratina, Gengar, and other ghost-types will also work well against Latios’ psychic typing. They also mentioned that a good counter for Latios would actually be to pit his own sister Latias against him.

Another tip that Polygon.com provided, is that players should practice curve ball throws to increase their chances at scoring Latios after taking him down. Shiny raid Pokémon have a 100 percent catch rate, provided that players don’t miss all of their balls.

The folks over at Gamespot.com revealed a few other details about this special Latios Raid event.

They said that players will need to team up with other players in real life and battle Latios before they can catch him. Both Latios and Talias are vulnerable to Ghost and Dark Pokemon like Gengar and Tyranitar. Other Dragons like Salamence and Pokemon Go’s current Legendary Giratina will also be effective against Latios.

They mentioned that the developer for Pokemon Go Niantic is going to host a Legendary lunch hour tomorrow, April 10, 2019 at approximately 12 pm in whatever time zone you’re in, and it will last until 1 pm. During this time, there will be an increase in five-star Raids featuring Giratina in its Origin Forme. It has more attack-oriented stats than its standard Altered Forme.

As previously reported,the new Pokemon Go Community Day for April 2019 is scheduled to take place this Saturday afternoon, April 13, 2019 from 3 pm to 6 pm in whatever time zone you’re in. It’s going to feature increased spawns of the rare Dragon Pokemon Bagon. Niantic also announced a series of Pokemon Go Fest events for Chicago, Germany, and Asia later this summer. We’ll be letting you guys know more about that in the future when we get the dates and times.

Alright guys. So, how do you feel about Pokemon Go throwing the Latios Pokemon back into the mix for a special week? Are you happy about it? Are you sad about it? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the Facebook or Twitter comments.

Alright, that’s all we’ve got for this latest Pokemon Go report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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