New ‘Shadowhunters’ Spoilers For Season 3, May 6, 2019 Finale Episodes 21 & 22 Revealed

Hey, “Shadowhunters” fans. We hope you guys enjoyed tonight’s episode 20. Now that it’s officially over and in the history books, it’s time for us to take a look at what next week’s big, series finale episodes 21 and 22 will feature. That’s right, guys. Episodes 21 and 22 will indeed be combined to feature a whopping, two and a half series finale! Then unfortunately, Shadowhunters will end forever.
The lovely folks over at Freeform were kind enough to serve up a press release for the series finale episodes 21 and 22. So, that is what we’ll be referencing for this spoiler session. To get things started, Freeform’s press release revealed that episode 21 is titled,”Alliance” and episode 22 is titled, “All Good Things.”
Episode 21 and 22 sound like they will feature some pretty interesting, action-filled and very dramatic scenes as Clary comes up with a plan. Alec struggles for Magnus. Jonathan starts terrorizing! Clary has to make a huge sacrifice! A possible wedding happens and more!
We’ll go ahead and start off this spoiler session with the Clary plan situation. It turns out that we will indeed see Clary attempt to formulate a plan that will somehow allow the Shadowhunters and the Downworlders to cohabitate with one another. Freeform’s official description tells us, “Clary comes up with a plan that will bring Shadowhunters and Downworlders together.”
Will Clary’s plan work out? Or will it totally backfire in her face? Those are a couple of huge questions for this particular plotline.
The second spoiler scoop reveals that Alec will be quite busy and possibly pretty stressed out, dealing with this whole Magnus situation. Alec is going to have a really hard time trying to find a way to get Magnus the help he needs! Freeform’s description tells us, “Alec struggles for a way to help Magnus.”
Will Alec eventually track down some help for Magnus? Or is Magnus doomed? Those are the big questions for this particular situation.
The 3rd spoiler scoop reveals that Jonathan will definitely be someone to look out for in this episode, and not in a good way. Apparently, he’s going to be very busy, bringing down a reign of terror! Of course, The Shadowhunters will be trying to see if there’s any freaking way to stop him! Freeform’s description for that plotline reads like this, “Jonathan begins his reign of vengeful terror as the Shadowhunters try to find a way to stop him.”
Will the Shadowhunters succeed in tracking down a way to stop Jonathan from his reign of horrible terror? Or will he be just too unstoppable? Those are the ultimate questions for this whole series finale.
The 4th spoiler teaser reveals that Clary is going to take some very serious action. In fact, it’s so serious that she will have to make a sacrifice that could have very long lasting effects for everyone! Freeform’s description tells us, “With only one hope, Clary must make a sacrifice that could have long-lasting implications for all.”
What will Clary’s sacrifice entail? Will it work? That’s another couple of questions for this particular scenario.
Last, but most certainly not least, the 5th spoiler scoop reveals that there’s going to be a possible wedding for two love birds! Freeform’s description reads like this, “Wedding bells are in the air for one special couple.”
Will this special couple really get married? Who is this special couple? Those are the big questions for this particular storyline.
Freeform’s press release confirmed that the series finale episodes 21 and 22 are indeed scheduled to air back to back next Monday night, May 6, 2019 at approximately 7pm central standard time.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest Shadowhunters report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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