New ‘Shadowhunters’ Spoilers For Season 3, April 22, 2019 Episode 19 Revealed

New ‘Shadowhunters’ Spoilers For Season 3, April 22, 2019 Episode 19 Revealed

Hey, “Shadowhunters” fans. We hope you enjoyed tonight’s episode 18 of this final season 3. Now that episode 18 is done and over, it’s time to take a look at what the next, new episode 19 will have in store for you guys. The lovely people over at Freeform were nice enough to put out a press release for episode 19. So, that is what we’ll be using for this spoiler session.

To get things started, Freeform’s press release revealed that the producers decided to title episode 19, “Aku Cinta Kamu.” If that’s not a super unique title, I don’t know what is. Wow! Anyways, episode 19 sounds like it will feature some very interesting, action-filled and extremely dramatic scenes as Jace goes undercover. Isabelle, Simon and Luke race against time! Isabelle must act quickly and more!

We’ll go ahead and start off this spoiler session with the Jace undercover situation. It turns out that we’re going to see Jace taking on a huge task for Clary. He’s going to go in undercover with the hopes of rescuing Clary from the clutches of Jonathan! Freeform’s official description tells us, “To try and save Clary from Jonathan, Jace goes undercover.”

Will Jace successfully pull off this undercover mission? That’s the major question for this particular plotline. Hopefully, we will see that question get answered in this episode. However, they may stretch it out into the next episode. We’ll have to wait and see.

The second spoiler teaser reveals that Isabelle, Simon and Luke will be extremely busy, trying to race against the clock to find a way to destroy Jonathan’s grip on Clary! Freeform’s description for that storyline, reads like this, “Back at the Institute, Isabelle, Simon and Luke race to find a way to finally destroy Clary’s bond with Jonathan.”

Will Isabelle, Simon and Luke be fast enough to stop this epic event from happening? That’s the burning question for this particular scenario.

Lastly, the third spoiler scoop reveals that Isabelle will certainly have to speed things up because time will be running out fast for her and Jace! Freeform’s description tells us, “With time running out, can Isabelle create the solution before Jace’s cover is blown?”

Yes, we were asking that same question ourselves. The only difference is I believe Freeform knows the answer to that very important question. We, on the other hand, do not. We’re just going to have to wait and see like the rest of you guys if Isabelle is quick enough to keep Jace’s cover intact and save Clary. Whatever ends up happening, we definitely think this episode will be extremely entertaining to say the least.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest Shadowhunters report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

For those of you looking for additional spoilers for Shadowhunters season 3, episode 19, you should definitely look for the new preview clip on Youtube later tonight. We definitely expect Freeform to release one. They usually do every week right after the episode airs. So, be on the lookout for it and stay tuned.

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