New ‘Shadowhunters’ Spoilers For Season 3, April 29, 2019 Episode 20 Revealed

New ‘Shadowhunters’ Spoilers For Season 3, April 29, 2019 Episode 20 Revealed

Hey, “Shadowhunters” fans. We hope you guys enjoyed tonight’s episode 19 of this final season 3. Now that it’s officially aired and done with, it is that time again to take a look at what the next,new episode 20 is going to throw at you guys. Just like last week, Freeform served up a press release for episode 20, which features a few teaser descriptions. So, that’s what we’ll be using for this spoiler session.

As usual, we’ll go ahead and get things started by revealing the title of this brand new episode 20. Freeform’s press released revealed that it is called,”City Of Glass.” It sounds like episode 20 will feature some very interesting, possibly quite dramatic and intense scenes as Alec, Jace and Isablle mount up another plot to rescue Clary. Magnus gets very emotional with his father. Maia is forced to make an extremely important choice and more!

We’ll go ahead and start off this spoiler session with the Alec, Jase and Isabelle situation. It turns out that these three will be very busy in this episode as they attempt to formulate yet another plan to rescue Clary from Jonathan’s clutches.

Whatever it s they come up with, Simon and Luke are not going to like it. Freeform’s official description tells us, “Alec, Jace and Isabelle make a plan to finally get Clary back and stop Jonathan – much to Luke and Simon’s chagrin.”

What will Alec, Jace and Isabelle’s new plan consist of? Why won’t Simon and Luke be ecstatic about it? Those are the huge questions for this particular situation. Whatever the case, It definitely sounds like this storyline will serve up some pretty interesting scenes.

The second spoiler scoop reveals that Magnus will still be pretty distraught as he faces struggles in dealing with his father’s reemergence. Freeform’s description tells us, “An emotionally raw Magnus struggles to deal with his father’s reappearance.”

Will Magnus finally be able to pull it together at some point? Or will he stay in this very stressed out state forever? Those are the big questions for this particular situation. It’s definitely going to come down to the wire as this series approaches its conclusion.

The third and last spoiler scoop reveals that Maia will be in some very serious action. It turns out that she will be faced with a decision that’s so freaking serious it could effect the entire rest of her life! Freeform’s description for that scenario reads like this, “Maia must make a tough decision that could affect the rest of her life.”

What will this big decision that Maia has to make entail? That’s the huge question for this particular plotline. It definitely sounds like we could get some very intense scenes out of it whatever it turns out to be.

Freeform’s press release confirmed that episode 20 is indeed scheduled to air next Monday night,April 29, 2019 at approximately 7 pm central standard time.

Alright guys. That’s all the we’ve got for this latest Shadowhunters report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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