‘So You Think You Can Dance’ July 22, 2019 Top 20 Dancers Revealed (Recap)

‘So You Think You Can Dance’ July 22, 2019 Top 20 Dancers Revealed (Recap)

Hey, “So You Think You Can Dance” fans. Tonight, July 22, 2019, another new episode did indeed air. It was the second episode for the Academy rounds that would decide the top 20 dancers this season!

Tonight’s episode started off with segment 1, which featured more contemporary dance rounds. Jarrod Tyler Paulson and Luke Romanzi performed. Afterwards, they were told they needed more work and were eliminated.

Next, Madison, Juliette and Kaeli performed. Afterwards,Juliette got cut by the judges. They said they just didn’t see it with her. They told Kaeli, “We need to see more in the pocket sometimes and more authenticity.” She was not good enough to move on. So, she was eliminated. Madison got a definite yes from the judges. So, she moved on to the next round.

At this point, choreographer Mandy Moore came on the scene to dish out her group dance numbers to the remaining 43 dancers. They were given 45 minutes to learn her choreography.

In segment 3, they did their group dance. Afterwards, judge Dominic started crying at one point, and all the judges applauded the dancers.

Next, they revealed some results. Sophie was told she was safe. Sydney unfortunately got told by judge Mary Murphy that she was eliminated. Mariah and Melany were both told they were safe.

Ezra, Stephanie and Stefan were all told they were safe. Judge Lauriann told Desi that she was eliminated despite her fighting for her to stay. Jordyn, Elan, James and Caroline were also eliminated. Eddie and Madison were told they are safe.

After all of that, only 33 dancers were left to do the solo rounds. The solo rounds kicked off with Gino doing his routine. The judges seemed pleased by it. Next, Sumi hit the stage for her solo number.

Tap dancer Eddie hit the stage to do his solo dance. They showed footage of Bailey doing his solo number. After that, they went right into showing the results of who made it past the solo rounds and who didn’t.

Anna didn’t get the greatest news about her solo, but they still put her through because of how well she did in the earlier rounds. Sophie was also told she made it through to the next round.

After that, Ashley, Sofia,Nazz, Madison,Melany, Stephanie Sosa, Sumi and Mariah were all told they made it through to the next round as well. Unfortunately, Olivia, Abigail and Alexa got eliminated.

Next, the results were in for the guys. Bailey,Brandon, Benjamin, Ezra, Vlad, Nathan, Aleksandr, Gino, Bryan (Clocks) and Eddie were all told they made it through to the next round. Unfortunately for John John, Howard, Lukas and ballroom dancer Stefen, they were all told they were eliminated.

This all means that the top ten guys for “So You Think You Can Dance” 2019 are:Bailey, Brandon, Benjamin, Ezra, Vlad, Nathan, Aleksandr, Gino, Clocks and Eddie.

The top 10 girls are: Anna, Sophie, Ashley, Sofia, Nazz, Madison, Melany, Stephanie, Sumi and Mariah.

Next week’s July 29, 2019 episode will feature the top 10 girls participating in the final cut rounds. They will be paired up with an All-Star and a choreographer to do a routine that is outside of their style. After that, the top five girls will be announced.

The week after that, we will see the top 10 guys perform their final cut rounds. They will do the same thing the girls did in their final cut. Afterwards, the top five guys will be revealed. Then we will have our top 10 dancers that will make it onto the LIVE shows.

So, these next,two weeks will be crucial. Next week’s episode airs on Monday night, July 29, 2019 at approximately 8 pm central standard time on FOX.

You guys can view highlights of tonight’s July 22, 2019 episode on the “So You Think You Can Dance” official Youtube channel by Clicking Here

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “So You Think You Can Dance” report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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Derek Smith
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