‘Labor Of Love’ June 4, 2020 Eliminated Jason, Walker And Angelo (Recap)

‘Labor Of Love’ June 4, 2020 Eliminated Jason, Walker And Angelo (Recap)

Hey, “Labor Of Love” fans. Tonight, June 4, 2020, another new episode of “Labor Of Love” with headliner Kristy Katzmann did indeed air, and another 3 guys were sent packing after this episode was all said and done.

Tonight’s episode kicked off with all the guys having to take an aptitude personnel test aka it was some sort test with lots of school questions. After the guys completed their test, they were taken to a school event. At this event, each of the guys teamed up with Kristy to challenge one of the kids in quiz session.

The kids were very smart and kicked their butts on just about every question. Afterwards, it was revealed that Marcus actually scored the highest grade on the aptitude personnel test with a 91 score.

During this time, Kristy was asked a few questions, which revealed she would most like to go on a cross-country trip with Keith. She would most like to introduce Kyle to her sister. She would most like to introduce Gary to her parents. She would most like to dance in the rain with Kyle.

At one point, Marcus told the private cams, “I’m starting to feel upset because Kristy is paying a lot more attention to the other guys.”

At this point, most of the guys were in agreement that Kyle is probably the front runner. Kristy went to talk to the guys. Jason and Kristen talked 1 on 1, and they had fun playing a coin-flip game. Jason kept begging for a kiss, but Kristy would only give him a peck on the cheek.

Angelo had a 1 on 1 talk with Kristy. He told her, “I haven’t been in a relationship for 8-10 years because I was busy focusing on my career.” Kristy told the private cams, “I am worried that Angelo might not be ready for kids.”

After all of that, Kristy revealed to the guys that she wants to go on a 1 on 1 date with Stewart and Walker. Stewart was up first.

Kristy and Stewart had a dinner date at home. During it, they talked about their family situations when they were growing up. Kristy told Stewart, “I like how you’ve connected with me.” Stewart said,”You make it easy.”

Stewart and Kristy ended up dancing together to a mini orchestra in the backyard, and they shared a passionate kiss during it. Stewart told the private cams, “The kiss felt magical to me.” Kristy told the private cams,”Stewart navigates life so well. He’s showing me that he’s that guy.”

Walker’s 1 on 1 date with Kristy was next. They took a boat ride to Savannah. Walker told Kristy about his work and travels. Kristy told the private cams, “I like that Walker has traveled a lot, but I’m not sure that would be good if he’s going to be a father.”

Walker told Kristy, “I think having a family would only enhance what I’m doing. I appreciate the direct questions you asked me. I like someone who knows what they want.”

After their date, Walker told the rest of the guys, “I would be very surprised if Kristy sent me home after our date.” So, he was feeling quite confident.

Next, host Kristin Davis joined Kristy to pick which guys she wanted to keep. Kristy picked everyone except for Walker,Angelo and Jason. She needed to talk with them further.

Kristy told Angelo, “Thanks for finding a time for us to have a 1 on 1 conversation, but I just don’t think we have a connection.” Angelo reacted well and gave Kristy a hug.

However, he told the private cams, “Kristy is a 4 at best. I usually hang around with tens and twelves. She wouldn’t have worked with my family.” So, he bashed her pretty hard.

Kristy told Jason, “I’m having trouble seeing us on the same page.” Jason reacted well and they hugged. Afterwards, Jason literally took a piss outside. Kristy saw it, and said “I made the right decision to get rid of him. That’s all I have to say.”

Kristy told Walker, “On paper, I think you’re everything I want, but ultimately, I think we’re not right for each other. I feel like I’m going to cry ,right now, because I really do like you.”

Walker said, “Thank you for being honest with me. I respect your decision.” They hugged. Kristy told the private cams, “This is the first man I let go that I truly felt like I broke up with.”

Kristy also said something about how she doesn’t want her child being raised around a funeral home. So,she apparently had a problem with Walker’s line of work too.

Just to recap, Kristy got rid of Walker, Jason and Angelo in tonight’s June 4, 2020 episode of “Labor Of Love.”

The next, new episode is scheduled to air next Thursday night, June 11, 2020 at approximately 8 pm central standard time on FOX.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Labor Of Love” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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