‘Labor Of Love’ June 11, 2020 Eliminated Matt Kaye & Alan Santini (Recap)

‘Labor Of Love’ June 11, 2020 Eliminated Matt Kaye & Alan Santini (Recap)

Hey, “Labor Of Love” fans. Tonight, June 11, 2020,another new episode of “Labor Of Love” with headliner Kristy Katzmann did indeed air, and some more unlucky guys were sent packing in the end.

Tonight’s episode kicked off with host Kristin Davis revealing to Kristy what the new task for the guys would be in this episode.

At one point,Keith told the private cams he wanted to cook for Kristy. Kyle told Stewart,”I’ve been responsible for myself. Now, I’m ready to be responsible for more people.”

Alan stole Keith’s idea of cooking Kristy a meal, and it really pissed Keith off. Kristy told the private cams that Alan’s dinner gesture makes her want to give him another chance.

Some of the other guys were seen agreeing that Alan was wrong for stealing Keith’s idea because he had been talking about it for days. Keith was seen throwing stuff. I mean he was really livid about it!

Eventually, Alan went to talk to Keith about stealing his meal idea. Alan apologized and told Keith, “I wasn’t really thinking about how you were going to do it” or something along those lines. They seemed to make up at that point.

Next, Kristy came over to tell the guys she chose Alan and Gary for a 1 on 1 date. She and Alan went first. They went to a junkyard out in the middle of nowhere and started spray-painting what they wanted to let go of from their past. They also busted out the car windows. They seemed to have a lot of fun doing that.

Back at the house, Keith decided to cook Kristy a chicken meal and drop it off at her doorstep with a note from him for when she got back from her date.

Kristy and Alan had what seemed to be a good talk before their date ended. Kristy got Keith’s dinner as Alan walked her to her door step.

Kristy told the private cams, “Alan focused on the other guys’ feelings instead of me, and that really turned me off. He should have invited himself in for a drink. He let Keith win tonight.”

Kristy and Gary’s 1 on 1 date was up next. They went to a circus that was set up in Kristy’s backyard. Then a whole bunch of kids populated the backyard for a party. Gary helped the kids make animal balloons.

Kristy told the private cams, “The kids loved Gary. They were attracted to him like flies to honey. He’s taking it really well.”

Kristy told Gary, “You’re very patient. Kids love you. I feel like you light up the room. I’ve been looking forward to you and I having a date.” Then they went to go jumping on a trampoline.

Next, the other guys were told to go get Kristy to bring her over for a parenting game. This interrupted Gary and Kristy’s date. Gary wasn’t too happy about that. He told the private cams, “I was left with a 30-pound cake. I really wanted some dinner.”

During the parenting game, the guys were asked if they would like to have a boy or girl first. So, they all talked about that. They talked about what kind of childcare they would use for their kids.

At one point, Matt said, “I would love our kids to be raised by us as well as our family etcetera, etcetera.” Kristy told the private cams, “I was surprised about what I was learning from Matt. He’s being quiet and a poor sport.”

After the parenting game, Kyle got Kristy alone to put a blindfold on her for a taste test of some cake. Afterwards, Kyle told Kristy, “I just wanted to put destiny in my own hands a little bit and steal you away.” Kristy told Kyle, “I really appreciate this.” So, Kyle got a few brownie points from all of that.

Trent decided to surprise Kristy by showing up to her house with a little jukebox so they could dance to some music. Kristy said she loved what Trent did. So, he got some last-minute brownie points as well.

Next,it was time for Kristy to select who she wanted to keep. She kept everyone except for: Matt, Keith, Trent and Alan. She needed to have an extra conversation with them.

Kristy told Trent, “I love that you’re really fun, but you and I are really opposite. I really like that about you.” So, they hugged, and he stayed.

Kristy told Matt, “We haven’t really been able to connect recently. We have different ideas about how we want to parent. I feel like you stopped taking this seriously. I don’t think you’ll be the right one.” Matt said, “I wish you the best,” and they hugged. Then he left.

Kristy told Alan, “I felt really excited about you, but my heart sank when you started talking about the other guys.” Alan said, “I just wanted to be sensitive about the other people around me.” Kristy said, “Except me. I don’t see us starting a family together.” Alan took the rejection well and told Kristy, “You have some really great guys.” Then he left.

Finally, Keith told Kristy, “I think we need to find time be a little more intimate.” Kristy told Keith, “I appreciated the little things you’ve done, and I agree with you.” So, they hugged, and Keith stayed.

So,Kristy booted off Matt Kaye and Alan Santini in tonight’s June 11,2020 episode of “Labor Of Love.”

The next, new episode of “Labor Of Love” is scheduled to air next Thursday night, June 18, 2020 at approximately 8 pm central standard time on FOX.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Labor Of Love” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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