Big Brother September 16, 2021 Evicted Tiffany & Hannah. New HOH Revealed (Recap)

Big Brother September 16, 2021 Evicted Tiffany & Hannah. New HOH Revealed (Recap)

Hey, “Big Brother” fans. Tonight, September 16, 2021, another eviction episode for Big Brother season 23 did indeed air. It was a two-hour, double eviction episode that was apparently pre-taped yesterday instead of being LIVE due to the very hectic schedule that CBS has going on this week.

Tonight’s double eviction episode kicked off with footage of what happened in the house after the last POV ceremony when Kyland did not use the veto and kept Tiffany and Hannah on the chopping block.

Kyland told the Diary Room aka the private cams, “Tiffany has broken trust with me and the whole house.” Hannah told the private cams, “There’s no chance of me and Tiffany moving forward. I have to figure out how I’m going to stay.” Tiffany told the private cams, “I’ve got a lot of tricks in my bag, and I plan to pull them out.”

Tiffany told Azah, “I think I can stay. Hannah is cut throat. She plays with no emotion. I don’t know why Derek F trust her.”

Kyland and Xavier talked about their motivation for winning this season. Xavier revealed that he wants to set some money aside for his nephew to go to college. So, that was admirable.

Tiffany campaigned to Derek. Her pitched was that Hannah is very cut throat ,and “she will cut you without thinking twice.” Tiffany told the private cams, ” I don’t think I have Derek’s vote. I think I have Azah’s vote. I just need to get Xavier’s vote.”

Tiffany campaigned to Xavier telling him, “You have to be Kyland’s next target. As long as I’m here, he can’t take that shot at you. Hannah is very unemotional in this game, and she will cut you without thinking about it.”

Xavier told the private cams, “Tiffany would be a shield for me, but can I trust her?” Xavier told Derek F, “Hannah might actually be more of a threat.” Derek F agreed.

After all of that footage, Julie talked with the houseguests in the living room about the Cookout alliance making it to the final six and ensuring that Big Brother will get its first African American winner.

After that, they showed some jury house footage. Sarah joined Derek X and Britini. Derek X told the private cams, “I have mixed emotions about Sarah being here right now because I think there were much stronger players to get out before her. That makes me think this was a personal move.”

They watched video of Sarah’s eviction week, and they couldn’t figure out why Sarah was nominated over such huge threats. Sarah eventually revealed that she thinks Kyland, Azah, Tiffany, Hannah, Xavier and Derek F are working together to get the first black winner based on the goodbye messages she got from from Azah and Kyland. Azah and Kyland both told her they’re working for a bigger purpose.

Britini, Derek X and Sarah said they thought it was noble and impressive that the Cookout alliance all stuck together and sacrificed their own games to get to the final six.

Next, Claire and Alyssa joined the jury house. Then, they watched a video of Claire and Alyssa’s eviction week. Claire told them about how Tiffany told her she was looking out for all of the African American players. Alyssa revealed that she saw goodbye messages from Kyland, Xavier and Hannah that revealed they were all in an alliance together.

Alyssa said kudos to the cookout members. “I feel dumb. They played such a good game.”

After all of that, the two eviction nominees Tiffany and Hannah gave their plea speeches. Then, the rest of the houseguests minus HOH Kyland casts their votes to evict.

Derek F, Xavier and Azah all voted to evict Tiffany. No one voted to evict Hannah. So, by a unanimous vote of 3-0, Tiffany was finally evicted from the Big Brother season 23 house in this episode.

Tiffany gave her exit interview with host Julie Chen-Moonves. Tiffany told Julie, “I’m the reason I’m evicted right now. I wavered back and forth with trust with Kyland because I really wanted to see me and Hannah get to the end.

I don’t have any regrets. I’m a risk taker. I had to tone it down because I had a mission. I’m a little upset about being voted out first in the Cookout. The fact they can’t control me, makes me a liability in the house. So, they had to get me out.”

After that, Julie told the remaining houseguests that this was a double eviction episode. So, they had to get ready to play another HOH (Head Of Household) competition.

This HOH comp was titled, “BB Ballers.” It was a 2-round, physical challenge where they had to knock balls off a platform in the first round. Then, in round two, they had to roll balls up a ramp and onto a bed of grass without them falling off. The person with the most balls on the grass after ten rolls, won. It came down to Xavier and Azah, and Azah won!

From there, Azah nominated Hannah and Xavier for eviction. Apparently, Azah made a deal with Kyland not to put him up,and Kyland made her believe that Xavier would be voted out over Hannah or whoever replaced him if he came down. Azah told Hannah that Xavier was her target, but she also told Hannah that she needed to win the veto.

After all of that, the houseguests played for the POV (Power Of Veto). It was titled, “What The Bleep?” It was a true or false quiz competition. It came down to a tie-breaker question for Kyland and Xavier, and Kyland won it to claim yet another veto win!

Next, Kyland actually used his veto to pull Xavier off the chopping block. He said he had a deal with Xavier to use the veto on him if he won it. So, Derek F had to go up in Xavier’s place by default since there was none else.

From there, the two eviction nominees Hannah and Derek F gave their plea speeches. Then, the rest of the houseguests minus HOH Azah casts their votes to evict.

Kyland and Xavier both voted to evict Hannah. No one voted to evict Derek F. So, by a unanimous vote of 2-0, Hannah was indeed evicted from the Big Brother season 23 house in this episode.

Hannah gave her exit interview with host Julie Chen-Moonves. Hannah told Julie, “I thought Azah’s target would’ve been Kyland. So, I was shocked when Azah put me up with Xavier. I think for her own game, Azah should’ve kept me because the guys are looking out for each other.

I don’t believe I was Azah’s target. I don’t think she knew Kyland was going to use the veto on Xavier, but I thought he would based on what he’s said to me in the past about wanting to get to the end with the best. I believe I was collateral damage in this situation.”

Hannah went on to say, “There were moments in this season that were challenging for me like sending Derek X and Claire home, but I’m proud that there will be a black winner for the first time in Big Brother history.”

After all of that, Julie revealed that there’s going to be a new Big Brother episode tomorrow night, Friday, September 17, 2021 instead of this Sunday night, September 19, 2021 because CBS will be covering the Emmy Awards this Sunday night.

Also, we’ve learned from the LIVE feeds that it’s most likely that Xavier has won the latest HOH competition because he was seen laying in the HOH bedroom. Again, it hasn’t been officially announced that Xavier is the HOH, but it’s highly believed that he is based on what we’ve seen on the LIVE feeds. Whatever the case, all of that will be revealed in tomorrow night’s new episode.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Big Brother” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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