New P Valley Season 2 Spoilers For June 12, 2022 Episode 2 Revealed

New P Valley Season 2 Spoilers For June 12, 2022 Episode 2 Revealed

Hey, “P-Valley” fans. Welcome to the brand new season 2. We hope you guys totally dug what the premiere episode 1 delivered tonight. Now that it’s all wrapped up, we are back on here to give you guys some new, spoilery insight into what the next, new episode 2 of P-Valley’s current season 2 will be offering up when it arrives on Sunday night, June 12, 2022. That’s right, guys. Even though it premiered on a Friday night, it will switch to Sunday nights from now on.

We were able to collect a couple of new, official teaser descriptions for this new episode 2 from STARZ’s official episode 2 press release. So, that is certainly what we’ll be referencing for this spoiler session. Let’s get into it.

To start, STARZ let us know that this new episode 2 of P-Valley’s current season 2 is officially labeled/titled, “Seven Pounds of Pressure.” It sounds like episode 2 will feature some very lively, interesting, possible dramatic and intense scenes as a big night is about to go down. Clifford has an important moment and more.

We’ll go ahead and start off this spoiler session with the big night situation. It turns out that the Pynk staff will be busy as hell in this episode. When we see them, they’re going to be smack dab in the middle of trying to get ready for one of their biggest nights to date!

STARZ’s official description for this big night situation reads like this, “While The Pynk staff prepares for their biggest night yet.”

The second and final teaser description for this new episode 2 lets us know that Uncle Clifford will take the spotlight at some point with what sounds like a pretty important moment. STARZ is telling us that Uncle Clifford is going to reach a personal milestone of some sort.

STARZ’s description for this latest, Uncle Clifford storyline reads like this,”Uncle Clifford reaches a personal milestone.”

Episode 2 was written by Katori Hall, and it was directed by Barbara Brown.

STARZ’s press release confirmed that the next, new episode 2 of P-Valley’s current season 2 is indeed scheduled to hit the air on Sunday night, June 12, 2022 at approximately 7 pm central standard time.

Alright, guys. That is a wrap for this latest, “P-Valley” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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Derek Smith
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