Fox Cancels Joss Whedon’s ‘Dollhouse’ TV Show

Fox Cancels Joss Whedon’s ‘Dollhouse’ TV Show

joss whedon's dollhouse image

Fox cancels Joss Whedon’s ‘Dollhouse’ TV show,according to Hollywood Reporter. They report that the Fox network has finally decided to cancel “Dollhouse” which almost got canceled after its first season,due to low TV ratings,but got saved by it’s DVR and online viewing ratings.

However,now it has reached the end of its ropes. Fox benched the show after airing just four episodes this season.

They will go ahead and air the entire order of 13 episodes. Joss Whedon is reported to be on board,to give the show a good and proper ending with a big finale.

The show is out of November sweeps,but will return with new episodes in December. The first new one will air on December 4.

I kinda figured this might happen because the show didn’t really seem to be going anywhere,when it started back up. Then all of a sudden,it wasn’t on anymore. That’s usually how it works out.

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