‘The Lovely Bones’ Movie Gets Mediocre Reviews From Top Critics

‘The Lovely Bones’ Movie Gets Mediocre Reviews From Top Critics

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‘The Lovely Bones’ movie gets mediocre reviews from top critics. Dreamworks Pictures released it’s new,interesting drama, “The Lovely Bones” in wide release today after a limited release back in early December. It stars: Mark Wahlberg, Rachel Weisz, Susan Sarandon, Stanley Tucci, Michael Imperioli,and Saoirse Ronan Most of the top movie critics seemed to think that it was missing a certain element,giving it pretty mediocre reviews.

Peter Travers at Rolling Stone gave it 4 stars. He said, “All this is conveyed in the remarkable performance of Ronan, an Oscar nominee for Atonement. She and Tucci — magnificent as a man of uncontrollable impulses — help Jackson cut a path to a humanity that supersedes life and death.”

A.O. Scott from The New York Times gave it 3 stars. He stated, “The filmmakers’ evident affection for the book expresses itself as a desperate scramble to include as much of it as possible, which leaves the movie feeling both overcrowded and thin.”

USA Today’s Claudia Puig also gave it 3 stars,stating, “Some books are not meant to be adapted to the big screen. Alice Sebold’s best-selling The Lovely Bones falls into that category.”

Dana Stevens from Slate Magazine gave it 3 stars. She said, ” If The Lovely Bones, at least for this critic, fails, it’s certainly not for lack of metaphysical gumption…It’s when the movie returns to earthly life, the prosaic world of suburban cul-de-sacs and family relationships, that it falters.”

Mick Lasalle from the San Francisco Chronicle gave it 3 stars. He said, “The Lovely Bones is difficult viewing, a meticulously crafted experiment that, it turns out, wasn’t worth it.”

Kenneth Turan from the Los Angeles Times gave it 3 stars. He stated, “By turns warmly sentimental, serial-killer sinister and science-fiction fantastical, The Lovely Bones was an unlikely book to achieve worldwide success. In the film version, those mismatched elements come back to haunt the story, so to speak, making the final product more hit-and-miss than unblemished triumph.”

Kirk Honeycutt over at the Hollywood Reporter gave it 3 stars. He said, “Jackson and his team tell a fundamentally different story. It’s one that is not without its tension, humor and compelling details. But it’s also a simpler, more button-pushing tale that misses the joy and heartbreak of the original.”

Tasha Robinson at “The Onion” gave it 3 stars. He stated, “For all its successes, Bones remains more crafted than sincere, more meant to look achingly pretty on the screen than to resonate in the heart.”

Finally, James Berardinelli at Reelviews gave it a 3 star rating. He said, ” The story told by Jackson’s The Lovely Bones is the same as the one related by Sebold, but it lacks the complexity and empathy evident in the book.”

Get your “The Lovely Bones” movie tickets at Fandango by Clicking Here.

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