“My Own Worst Enemy” & “Lipstick Jungle” Cancelled

“My Own Worst Enemy” & “Lipstick Jungle” Cancelled

    lipstick jungle pic
    Lipstick Jungle

my own worst enemy pic
My own worst enemy

NBC has decided to cancel the new freshman series, “My Own worst Enemy” Christian Slater’s new show and “Lipstick Jungle” which is in it’s second season. Both shows dropped to new low ratings after dropping for quite some time now. “My Own worst Enemy dropped to 4.3 million viewers and Lipstick Jungle dropped to 3.3 million which was actually an improvement for “Lipstick Jungle” from it’s previous week. NBC’s expectations for Lipstick Jungle was modest at best but My Own worst Enemy was apparently supposed to be an important show. A spy thriller inspired by the “Bourne” movies.

My Own worst Enemy was given the post “Heroes” timeslot but apparently “Heroes” has been losing viewers as of late making it’s lead in status for My Own worst Enemy less effective. My Own worst Enemy is now shooting it’s 9th and final episode while Lipstick Jungle has already shot all of it’s orders of 13 episodes.

Source : Hollywood Reporter

I personally never watched these two shows,but I thought for anyone who does it might something interesting to know so you can change your schedule.

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