Taylor Swift Accepts Kanye West Apology For Speech Cut Off

Taylor Swift Accepts Kanye West Apology For Speech Cut Off

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According to MTV,Kanye West called and apologized to Taylor Swift yesterday, for interrupting her acceptance speech at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards on Sunday night. Afterwards, they report that she spoke to ABC Radio about it.

She said, “Kanye did call me and he was very sincere in his apology, and I accepted that apology.” They asked her if the situation was alright now. She replied by saying, “Yeah.”

She also commented about how many artists supported her,and got her to the frame of mind where she could accept the apology. She stated, “The support I got from other artists and from the fans, and so many people sticking up for me, that’s what got me to the place where I could accept that apology,” she continued. “And I’m just very thankful that everyone showed me so much love.”

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