Soap Opera, ‘Guiding Light’ Ends Its 72 Year Run On The Air

Soap Opera, ‘Guiding Light’ Ends Its 72 Year Run On The Air

guiding light logo image

Yesterday, the long running CBS soap opera, Guiding Light ended its 72 year run on the air. The last episode’s closing moments sealed the future of the show’s signature super-couple, Reva (Kim Zimmer) and Josh (Robert Newman).

They met at the local lighthouse,declared their undying love for each other,climbed into Josh’s truck,and drove away to the ending credits.

“Guiding Light” originated in Chicago,on the radio in 1937. Then it moved to TV in 1952. According to the Nielsen ratings report, the “Guiding Light” audience dropped to 2.7 million viewers this season, down from 5 million in 1999.

It’s been reported that soap operas in general, have failed to cultivate the next generation of fans,and that it’s a surprise that “Guiding Light” stayed on the air as long as it did.

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