New 22 Jump Street Movie Received Mostly Positive Reviews From Major Critics

New 22 Jump Street Movie Received Mostly Positive Reviews From Major Critics

Columbia Pictures (Sony) released their new action/comedy film, “22 Jump Street,” into theaters yesterday, June 12th, and the top movie critics have delivered up their reviews. It turns out that the movie went over fairly well with most of them as it got an overall 72 score out of a possible 100 across 39 reviews over at the site.

The film stars: Jonah Hill, Channing Tatum, Ice Cube, Amber Stevens, and Craig Roberts. We’ve posted blurbs from a few of the critics,below.

Ty Burr from the Boston Globe, gave it a great 88 score, saying, “A hugely enjoyable shambles. It’s a comic deconstruction of that most useless of Hollywood artifacts — the blockbuster sequel — that refuses to take itself seriously on any level, which, face it, is just what we need as the summer boom-boom season shifts into high gear.”

Betsy Sharkey over at the Los Angeles Times, gave it an 80 score. She stated: “A great deal of insanity ensues, none of which would work if Tatum and Hill weren’t so disarming in their roles. Their level of comfort with the characters and each other helps 22 click.”

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Manohla Dargis from The New York Times, gave it another 80 grade, stating: “More is more and is, at times, just right in 22 Jump Street, an exploding piñata of gags, pratfalls, winking asides, throwaway one-liners and self-reflexive waggery.”

John DeFore from The Hollywood Reporter, gave it an 80. He said: “It’s laugh-packed, self-aware in a manner that lets everyone in on the joke, and goofily satisfying in the action department.”

Scott Foundas from Variety, gave it an 80 score as well, saying: “22 Jump Street hits far more often than it misses, and even when it misses by a mile, the effort is so delightfully zany that it’s hard not to give Lord and Miller an “A” for effort.”

Claudia Puig over at USA Today, gave it a decent 75 score, saying: “The car chases are unremarkable, but the stunts — which comically juxtapose Tatum’s athletic grace and Hill’s stocky clumsiness — are a hoot.”

Peter Travers over at Rolling Stone, gave it a 75 grade. He stated: “Thanks to this team of merry pranksters, 22 Jump Street hurts so good.” Mick LaSalle at the San Francisco Chronicle, gave it a 75 score, saying, “22 Jump Street is exactly what comedy is today. It’s coarse, free-flowing and playful.”

Michael Phillips from the Chicago Tribune, gave it a 75 score, saying: “Be sure to hang around for the closing credits, which imagine all sorts of “Jump Street” sequels to come.” Bill Zwecker from the Chicago Sun-Times, gave it a 75 grade as well. He stated: “There are certainly a lot of actors who can match Hill and Tatum as comic actors, but it’s the oddball connection between these two that makes for a very entertaining couple of hours at the movies.”

Chris Nashawaty from Entertainment Weekly, gave it a 67 score. He said: “To cover up the script’s lack of originality, screenwriters Michael Bacall, Oren Uziel, and Rodney Rothman pummel us with a string of self-aware meta-commentary jokes that poke fun at bloated sequels.”

Joe Neumaier from the New York Daily News, gave it a 60 grade, saying: “The laughs are what keep the film together, even when the conceit feels been-there-done-that.” Finally, Kyle Smith from the New York Post, gave it a 50. He stated: “What’s the difference between “21 Jump Street” and 22 Jump Street? Same as the difference between getting a 21 and a 22 at blackjack.” Stay tuned. Also, get your favorite Movie stuff, and more by Clicking Here.

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