New The Man From UNCLE Movie Received Mixed Reviews From Major Critics

New The Man From UNCLE Movie Received Mixed Reviews From Major Critics

Warner Bros. Pictures released their new action movie, ‘The Man From U.N.C.L.E.,” into theaters today, August 14th, 2015, and all the top, major movie critics have turned in their reviews. It got a pretty mixed bag from them, garnering an overall 53 score out of a possible 100 across 34 reviews at the site.

The film stars: Alicia Vikander, Armie Hammer, Christian Berkel, Elizabeth Debicki, Henry Cavill, Hugh Grant, Jared Harris, Luca Calvani and Sylvester Groth. We’ve supplied blurbs from a few of the critics,below.

Alonso Duralde from TheWrap, gave it a 78 grade, saying: “This new Man from U.N.C.L.E. would be an instant masterpiece if it were consistently as good as its best parts, but even as a hit-and-miss affair, it’s a bracing bit of late-summer fun for anyone who has given up the notion of a major studio offering anything truly revelatory until at least October.”

Richard Roeper from the Chicago Sun-Times, gave it a 75 grade, saying: “The Man from U.N.C.L.E. plays a like a lower key, vintage edition of a “Mission: Impossible” movie. It’s a good movie with a great look.”

Peter Travers over at Rolling Stone, gave it a 63 score. He stated: “Vikander, the sexbot in “Ex Machina,” is having a hell of a year. And you can see why. Gaby isn’t much of a part, but Vikander makes her a live wire. Her impromptu dance with Kuryakin that ends in a wrestling match is, well, something to see.”

Manohla Dargis from The New York Times, gave it a 60 score, stating: “Mr. Ritchie tends to flaunt his wares like a store clerk, fawning over the clothes, chairs and cars, and his usual rabbity pace slows to a tortoiselike crawl whenever the actors deliver a lot of words, which gratefully isn’t often. His talent, as he proves repeatedly, is making bodies and cars crash through space.”

Peter Debruge at Variety, gave it a 60 score, saying: “Cavill and Hammer have each toplined major tentpoles before, so it’s something of a mystery why neither makes much of an impression here, but there’s a curious vacuum at the center of The Man From U.N.C.L.E. that almost certainly owes to its casting.”

Brian Truitt from USA Today, gave it a 50 grade. He stated: “While Mission: Impossible has found a popular way to reimagine an old show for modern times, Man is immersed in all things retro — from the ginchy fashion to a jazzy score — but for an action adventure, it’s a mostly tedious affair with fleeting moments of cool.”

Mick LaSalle from the San Francisco Chronicle, gave it a 50 grade, saying: “Ritchie is a director with no instinct for the audience, and he can’t hold things together for an entire film. He seems at a loss, from moment to moment, as to what he should emphasize.”

Glenn Kenny over at, gave it a 50 score, stating: “The period spy thriller The Man From U.N.C.L.E. is only intermittently engaging and amusing, and those portions of the movie that succeed are also frustrating. Because they’re cushioned by enervated, conceptually befuddled, and sometimes outright indifferent stuff.”

Michael Phillips from the Chicago Tribune, gave it a 50 score, saying: “How is that Vikander, who played the robot in the recent (and worthwhile) “Ex Machina,” was twice as lively and five times as human in that picture than in The Man from U.N.C.L.E.?”

Todd McCarthy from The Hollywood Reporter, gave it a 50 grade, stating: “It’s got a few things going for it and it’s not unenjoyable to sit through, but, at the same time, the tone and creative register never feel confident and settled. It’s not bad but not quite good enough either.”

Chris Nashawaty over at Entertainment Weekly, gave it a 42 score, stating: “The early-’60s styles are chic, the Euro locales are swank, and the music cues (including a nod to Ennio Morricone’s Once Upon a Time in the West score) are fantastic. Too bad the plot and the lead performances are so lifeless.”

Mark Olsen from the Los Angeles Times, gave it a 40 score. He stated: “Being a mildly pleasant, passingly amusing light entertainment isn’t exactly saving the world, yet the film crosses its wires to blow up even that modest assignment.”

Kyle Smith over at the New York Post, gave it a 38 score, stating: “Armie Hammer has given several of the worst performances in recent years — see, or rather don’t, “Mirror Mirror” and “J. Edgar.” The big surprise in The Man from U.N.C.L.E is that Henry Cavill is even worse.”

Michael O’Sullivan from the Washington Post, gave it a 25 grade. He stated: “The threat that this mess of a movie might be followed by a sequel is enough to make anyone cry uncle.”

Finally, Joe Neumaier from the New York Daily News, gave it a 20 score, claiming: “It’s slow, lethargic, utterly lacking in charm and undeserving of the Cold War setting that is its best trait.” Stay tuned. Also, get your favorite Movie stuff, and more by Clicking Here.

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