New Paranormal Activity 6 Ghost Dimension Received Mostly Negative Reviews From Major Critics

New Paranormal Activity 6 Ghost Dimension Received Mostly Negative Reviews From Major Critics

Paramount Pictures released their new horror/thriller movie, “Paranormal Activity 6: The Ghost Dimension,” into theaters this weekend, and all the major, top movie critics have turned in their reviews. It looks like hardly any of them liked it with an overall 32 score out of a possible 100 across 7 reviews at the site.

The film stars: Chris J. Murray, Brit Shaw, Ivy George, Dan Gill, Olivia Taylor Dudley, Chloe Csengary, Jessica Tyler Brown and Don McManon. We’ve posted comments from a couple of the critics,below.

Drew McWeeny from Hitfix, gave it a 58 grade,saying: “To the bitter end, the series manages to wring some fun, solid scares out of something other invading something utterly familiar.”

Andrew Barker from Variety, gave it a terrible 30 score. He stated: “There may well be new and novel ways to spark audience shivers from not-so-bright homeowners inexplicably using their cameraphones to check out bumps in the night, but this series clearly has neither the patience nor the inclination to look for them anymore.”

Mike McCahill at The Guardian, gave it a 20 score, stating: “It’s a test of one’s tolerance for watching predominantly empty frames – the anonymous performers scarcely count – in the hope something will jolt us from mounting tedium.”

Lastly, Peter Sobczynski over at, gave it an extremely bad 12 grade, claiming: “The sixth time is not the charm with this load of hooey that tries to make up for its lack of legitimate scares or basic narrative clarity by adding the alleged miracle of 3-D into the mix.” Stay tuned. Also, get your favorite Movie stuff, and more by Clicking Here.

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