Big Brother 22 August 5, 2020 First HOH Revealed And More In Premiere Episode (Recap)

Hey, fellow Big Brother fans. Tonight, August 5, 2020, the premiere of Big Brother All-Stars season 22 did indeed air, and it was every bit as exciting as we thought it would be.
Tonight’s episode kicked off with host Julie Chen revealing that tonight’s show was actually premiering LIVE unlike in other seasons. Then she introduced the first 4 castmembers: Nicole Franzel from seasons 16 and 18. Daniele Donato from seasons 8 and 13. Da’ Vonne Rogers from seasons 17 and 18. Christmas Abbott from season 19.
They were all sporting face masks. Julie revealed that they had all been quarantined and tested for Covid-19 multiple times. Also, there was no live audience due to the terrible pandemic.
Julie revealed that the first four ladies would be competing in a comp for a chance to compete in the first HOH of the season. Only the first two finishers advanced to compete for the first HOH.
In this competition, they had to search for a question. Then go guide a ball through a table maze into a hole that contained the right answer to the question for the win. They were given 4 minutes to do it.
Christmas finished first, and she was the only one to finish it in the allotted 4 minutes. So, she was the only one to advance to the HOH competition from this group.
Next, Julie introduced the next 4 houesguests. They are: Tyler Crispin from season 20. Ian Terry season 14 winner. Kevin Campbell from season 11, and Enzo Palumbo from season 12. They competed in the same comp the first 4 ladies did. Ian finished first. Kevin finished second. So, they advanced to the HOH comp.
Next, Julie introduced Janelle Pierzina from seasons 6,7 and 14. Bayleigh Dayton from season 20. Nicole Anthony from season 21, and Keesha Smith from season 10. They competed in the answer and table maze comp. Nicole finished first, and she was the only one to finish it in the 4 minute time frame. So, Nicole was the only one to advance from this group to the HOH comp.
The last group of four castmembers featured: Kaysar Ridha from seasons 6 and 7 all stars. Cody Calafiore from season 16. Memphis Garrett from season 10, and David Alexander from season 21. They competed in the answer and table maze comp. Memphis finished first. Cody finished second. So, Cody and Memphis advanced to compete in the HOH comp.
Next, all the houseguests got to meet each other in the living room. Everyone was very excited to meet each other. Julie asked them a couple of questions after everyone got settled down.
After all of that, the HOH competition started up. It was a physical comp called, “Star Steppin.” In it, they had to race across a start-studded field. Some of the stars were solid. Some of them were wobbly.
If they stepped on the wobbly stars they fell and had to start over again. The one with the fastest time to make it across all the solid stars without falling and ring the buzzer, won. The eliminated players had to take a special envelope that had something good or bad in it.
Memphis went first and finished it in 1 minute and 22 seconds after falling a couple of times. Cody finished it in 22.06 seconds to knock off Memphis.
Christmas couldn’t beat Cody’s score. So, she was eliminated and had to take one of the special envelopes. Kevin couldn’t beat Cody’s time either and had to take an envelope. Nicole Anthony couldn’t beat Cody’s time and had to an envelope. Ian couldn’t beat Cody’s time either. So, Cody won the first HOH comp of this season!
Next, Julie talked privately with Cody. He revealed that he was glad to win the first HOH because he didn’t really know many of the all stars, and he wanted to ensure his safety for the first week.
After that talk, Julie told the houseguests those special envelopes contained have not punishments, and only one contained a cash prize. Christmas ended up getting the only envelope with the cash prize, which was $5,000 dollars. So, Memphis, Kevin, Nicole Anthony and Ian were have-nots for losing the HOH comp.
To close out the show, Julie teased the houseguests with a hint about what the first twist this season will be.She said, “New rooms will be revealed that will twist up the game. The first one is called the Safety Suite.”
Julie ended things off with that vague description. How do you guys feel about Cody Calafiore winning the first HOH of this season? Are you happy? Are you sad? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the comments section.
The next, new Big Brother season 22 episode is scheduled to air this Sunday night, August 9, 2020 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on CBS.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Big Brother” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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