Top Critics Gave ‘Jonah Hex’ Movie Below Average Rating Reviews

Top Critics Gave ‘Jonah Hex’ Movie Below Average Rating Reviews

jonah hex movie poster image

Top critics gave ‘Jonah Hex’ movie below average rating reviews. Warner Bros. Pictures released their new DC, action flick “Jonah Hex” into theaters today,and the top movie critics didn’t seem to be all that impressed with it. They gave it below average rating reviews,claiming that Josh Brolin did a good job as Jonah Hex,but the rest of the cast let him down. It stars: Josh Brolin, John Malkovich, Megan Fox, Will Arnett, Michael Shannon, and Michael Fassbender.

Wesley Morris at the Boston Globe gave it a C rating. He said, it was a “lumbering action-camp following a video game plot.” Roger Ebert over at the Chicago Sun-Times gave it another C. He stated, “It’s based on some DC Comics characters, which may explain the way the plot jumps around.”

Michael Phillips from the Chicago Tribune gave it a C. He said, it was “rarely interesting.” Luke Y. Thompson at E! online gave it a C+. He stated, “Josh Brolin does the pizza-faced bounty hunter justice, but pretty much everyone else involved–including Megan Fox–lets him down.”

Chris Cabin from gave it a bad C- rating. He said, “its negative aspects staggeringly outweigh its positive ones.” Michael Rechtshaffen at the Hollywood Reporter gave it a C rating. He stated, “Although Josh Brolin rises to the occasion, much of this comic book adaptation appears to have been abandoned on the cutting-room floor.”

USA Today’s Claudia Puig gave it a C-. She stated, “Megan Fox gives a performance so inert she seems carved out of wax.” “Jonah Hex” movie is in theaters now. Get your “Jonah Hex” movie tickets at Fandango by Clicking Here. You can read more movie reviews at Yahoo! movies by Clicking Here.

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1 Response

  1. Krippendorf_Fan says:

    That’s a relatively polite take on a film being pretty much universally panned. Nice spin.

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