New Emma Watson ‘Noah’ Movie Received Mostly Positive Reviews From Major Critics

New Emma Watson ‘Noah’ Movie Received Mostly Positive Reviews From Major Critics

Paramount Pictures released their new action/drama flick, “Noah” into theaters this weekend, and the reviews are in from the top,major movie critics. It ended up,getting mostly positive reviews with an overall score of 68 out of a possible 100 across 37 reviews over at

The movie stars: Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly, Ray Winstone, Emma Watson, Anthony Hopkins, Logan Lerman, and Nick Nolte. We’ve added snippets from a few of the critics,below.

Steve Persall at the Tampa Bay Times, gave it a great 91 score, saying, “Despite wild deviations in spiritual themes and execution, nothing in Noah approaches sacrilege or surrender, making this an acutely sensible biblical epic. It may simply be too strange for the masses to notice.”

Todd McCarthy at The Hollywood Reporter, gave it a 90. He stated: “Darren Aronofsky wrestles one of scripture’s most primal stories to the ground and extracts something vital and audacious, while also pushing some aggressive environmentalism, in Noah.”

Richard Roeper from the Chicago Sun-Times, gave it an 88 score, saying, “This is a Noah for the 21st century, one of the most dazzling and unforgettable biblical epics ever put on film.” Kenneth Turan from the Los Angeles Times, gave it an 80. He said: “Noah manages to blend the expected with the unexpected and does it with so much gusto and cinematic energy you won’t want to divert your eyes from the screen.”

Scott Foundas over at Variety, gave it an 80, saying, ” It is never less than fascinating — and sometimes dazzling — in its ambitions.” Matt Zoller Seitz from, gave it a 75 score. He said: “Noah is more of a surrealist nightmare disaster picture fused to a parable of human greed and compassion, all based on the bestselling book of all time, the Bible, mainly the Book of Genesis.”

Ann Hornaday over at the Washington Post, gave it a 75, saying, “Viewers may not agree about what they’ve seen when they come out of Noah. But there’s no doubt that Aronofsky has made an ambitious, serious, even visionary motion picture, whose super-sized popcorn-movie vernacular may occasionally submerge the story’s more reflective implications, but never drowns them entirely.”

Lou Lumenick from the New York Post, gave it another 75 score. He said: “Holy ship! Crowe’s grumpy Noah and his dysfunctional clan help God reboot the too-wicked world in this imaginative (but hardly sacrilegious) and visually spectacular elaboration on Genesis.”

Peter Travers over at the Rolling Stone, gave it a 75 score as well, stating, “Hold off on burning Aronofsky at the stake till you see Noah, a film of grit, grace and visual wonders that for all its tech-head modernity is built on a spiritual core.” Mick LaSalle from the San Francisco Chronicle, gave it a 75 grade. He said: “Noah is no silly action blockbuster with a Biblical pretext. Rather, it’s the product of writer-director Darren Aronofsky’s vigorous engagement with the Biblical story and what it might mean in our time.”

A.O. Scott over at the New York Times, gave it a 70 score, saying, “Mr. Aronofsky’s earnest, uneven, intermittently powerful film, is both a psychological case study and a parable of hubris and humility. At its best, its shares some its namesake’s ferocious conviction, and not a little of his madness.”

Claudia Puig at USA Today, gave it a 63 score, stating, “Noah is no by-the-book Bible story. Think of it as a visually mesmerizing sci-fi adventure saga loosely based on the book of Genesis. Ty Burr from the Boston Globe, gave it a 63 grade, saying, “Noah is equal parts ridiculous and magnificent, a showman’s folly and a madman’s epic.”

Michael Phillips at the Chicago Tribune, gave it a 63. He stated, “Neither fish nor fowl, neither foul nor inspiring, director and co-writer Darren Aronofsky’s strange and often rich new movie Noah has enough actual filmmaking to its name to deserve better handling than a plainly nervous Paramount Pictures has given it.”

Chris Nashawaty at Entertainment Weekly, gave it a 58 score. He stated, ” Noah is a movie about big ideas (environmentalism, heavenly obedience versus earthly love) and even bigger directorial ambitions (how to tell a personal story on the grandest of grand scales). But, in the end, it’s also a disappointment. Maybe not one of Biblical proportions, but a disappointment nonetheless.”

Lastly, Joe Neumaier from the New York Daily News, gave it a 40 score. He stated: “Noah, Darren Aronofsky’s often ludicrous, occasionally thoughtful epic, puts theology front-and-center, and doubles down on its blockbuster ingredients — like adding huge rock monsters with glowing eyes.” Stay tuned. Also, get your favorite Movie stuff, and more by Clicking Here.

Derek Smith
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