New Star Trek 4 Movie Most Likely Happening,Lead Actors Already Locked In

New Star Trek 4 Movie Most Likely Happening,Lead Actors Already Locked In

According to a new report from the folks over at the The Hollywood Reporter the Star Trek 4 movie folks, Paramount Pictures, has already made sure to lock in lead actors, Chris Pine (James T. Kirk) and Zachary Quinto (Mr. Spock), to appear in a 4th installment of their Star Trek franchise if it does indeed officially get greenlit.

An official announcement for the 4th installment, hasn’t been made yet as they are waiting to tally up all the money that the 3rd installment, “Beyond,” brings in. It’s reported that it’s well on track to outdo the 1st and 2nd installments, so the 4th one is looking quite likely to happen.

Director, JJ Abrams, is definitely on board, telling Entertainment Weekly that he hopes the 3rd installment does really well, because he really wants to do a 4th movie, stating: “It really is an amazing story.

It’s really the reason we made the deal with Chris Hemsworth as soon as we could because we really want the story to be told, fingers crossed.”

Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto reportedly are getting a major salary bump to do the 4th one, up to $6 million from $3 million.

It’s believed that a 4th movie will possibly have a smaller budget if it gets greenlit, because they’ll have to give a lot of these actors a raise in salary to come back. Alright, well that’s it for now, but definitely stay tuned. Also, get your favorite Movie stuff, and more by Clicking Here.

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