Big Brother 19 Houseguests Started Using Mean Tactics For Their New Targets August 27th

Big Brother 19 Houseguests Started Using Mean Tactics For Their New Targets August 27th

Alright, so it was another sort of eventful day in the Big Brother season 19 house yesterday. Everything still seemed to be locked and sealed for this week’s nominees Matt and Raven since Jason held strong to his idea of not wanting to renom Kevin and just leave Matt and Raven on the block.

In light of this, some of the houseguests started discussing who their next targets would be. Judging from the various conversation that took place, it sounds like it’ll either be Raven or Kevin. It’s weird. They seem to want to get Kevin out next if it’s another weekly eviction. However, if it’s another Double Eviction, they want to target Raven next. Also, they’ve really started complaining about Kevin a lot. They’ve even gone as far as to make plans to piss him off.

According to Big Brother Network, there was a conversation that took place between Alex and Josh at around 1:35 pm yesterday, August 27th. Alex told Josh that he needs to be rude to Kevin. Then Paul revealed that he wants Jason to blame Kevin after the Veto meeting so Matt and Raven are mad at him instead of them. Paul said, “Kevin is for sure going to be the target next week after all of this.”

At around 1:40 pm, there was a group talk about Kevin. They started suggesting that he’s lying about everything in his personal life. Alex started pressuring Josh again to try and aggravate Kevin.

At around 1:50 pm, Alex knows that Kevin is a Have-Not this week and can’t have any soda. So, she went out to the backyard and offered everyone some soda while Kevin was out there, hoping it would aggravate him. She cheered everyone for making the top 8 with soda. Kevin of course couldn’t join in.

Also, aside from the Kevin stuff, there was a very interesting moment at around 5:58 pm where Raven was talking with Matt about what they would do if Jason doesn’t use the veto on her and just leaves them two on the block today. Matt said he would eat regular food this week and take a penalty vote. (He’s not supposed to eat regular food because he’s a Have-Not.)

Raven said that America will get a show if Jason doesn’t use the veto to save her. I’m guessing she’s suggesting that she’ll go off on him or something. That’s what it sounds like. Whatever the case, we’re certainly going to be looking for this “show” she’s talking about because Jason doesn’t have any plans to use it on her. In fact, she never even asked Jason herself if he would use it on her. She just believed Paul and Josh when they told her he would.

Back to the Kevin stuff. At around 6:25 pm, Josh started talking about Kevin to Alex and Jason. Alex said, “Kevin wants to be the person who convinced everyone to take him to final two without ever winning a competition.”

At around 6:45 pm, Josh and Jason talked about Kevin. Josh said, “Kevin was always untouchable but now Kevin has forced me to target him if I’m HOH. Kevin is just rubbing a lot of people the wrong way.” Jason said, “Well, they can just tell him to stop.” Josh said, “People have tried and it hasn’t worked.” Jason and Josh also both agreed that Kevin would win if he made it to the final two.

At around 7:51 pm, Alex started in about Kevin again. She was talking to Josh at the time. She told him, “Kevin’s stories are fake.” Josh disagreed with that statement because they come from similar upbringings. Alex and Jason started trashing Kevin’s family. Josh defended Kevin saying, “I’ve had a lot of talks with Kevin and I think he’s a great father.”

At around 8:35 pm, Kevin told Paul, “No one is talking to me anymore and it’s making me paranoid.” At around 12:25 am today, August 28th, Alex was seen going over her plans to be mean to Kevin. She said she plans on telling him that he looks old and shouldn’t tan and to stop shuffling his feet. They didn’t indicate if she was talking to anyone at this moment. She probably was though.

At around 12:30 am, Alex, Christmas and Jason all agreed that if this Thursday night is another Double Eviction, they should get rid of Raven first and Kevin right after her. Their reasoning is they think Raven is a much better competitor than Kevin is. So, they need to get her out the door first in a Double Eviction situation. As far as I know, there’s not going to be another Double Eviction this Thursday night. So, I guess it doesn’t really matter. It does tell us where their heads are at though.

At around 12:45 am, Raven had a conversation with Christmas about getting Josh to start a fight with Kevin to scare Jason into using the veto. Afterwards, Raven went back to tell Matt that Josh is about to start the fight. Christmas gave her the impression that he would do it.

Christmas presented the idea to Josh but he said he would not do it. He said, “I’m not doing that for them. They need to play their own game. I’m not playing anybody else’s game, sorry.” It’s actually funny that he said that since they all seem to be playing Paul’s game.

Anyways, judging from that conversation, it sounds like Raven is definitely having serious doubts that Jason will use the veto to save her today despite Paul and Josh telling her he would. She should have serious doubts because Jason definitely doesn’t plan to use it.

Actually yep. Raven did say she believes Jason will use it. She just wanted to get this fight started in case Jason had any doubts of not using it because he and Kevin hang out a lot. Anyways, the fight never happened and as far as we know, Matt and Raven will remain on the block after today’s POV Ceremony.

We expect some major drama to certainly take place after it’s all said and done and we’ll be sure to fill you guys in on all the great details. Stay tuned. Also, be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here.

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