New Jack Ryan Shadow Recruit Movie Delivered Boring Plot & A Couple Good Action Scenes

New Jack Ryan Shadow Recruit Movie Delivered Boring Plot & A Couple Good Action Scenes

 jack ryan: shadow recruit movie poster image

New Jack Ryan Shadow Recruit movie delivered boring plot & a couple good action scenes. Paramount Pictures released their new action/drama flick, “Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit.” I just checked it out, and thought it was for the most part,utterly boring. The plotline didn’t really interest me at all, so I had a hard time staying awake. It served up a few good actions scenes, but man, were they too far and in between. It stars: Chris Pine, Keira Knightley, Kevin Costner, Peter Andersson, Kenneth Branagh, David Paymer, and Colm Feore .

In the new flick, Jack Ryan (Chris Pine), a Second Lieutenant in the U.S. Marine Corps, gets critically injured when his helicopter is shot down in Afghanistan. During his rehabilitation, he attracts the attention of Thomas Harper (Kevin Costner), a CIA agent who is impressed by Ryan’s ability to recognize complex patterns. Ryan is recruited and sent back to college to complete his PhD in economics.

Ten years later, Ryan is working on Wall Street, looking for evidence of suspect financial transactions that would indicate terrorist activity. When the Russian Federation loses a key vote before the United Nations, Ryan notices that the markets do not respond the way that they should.

He finds out that billions of dollars in Russian assets have been secreted away to the point where the United States economy is fast approaching the point where it is dependent on this secret Russian investment, all of which can be traced back to Viktor Cheverin, a veteran of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Cheverin, along with a group of key Russian politicians, have been left embittered by the United States’ covert intervention in the invasion and are seeking revenge.

Eventually, Ryan’s fiancee ,Cathy, gets concerned that Ryan is cheating on her as he keeps coming up with excuses as to why he can’t return home. So, Cathy secretly flies to Moscow to meet him. From there, Ryan reveals that he works for the CIA, and Cathy is included in a plan to infiltrate Cheverin’s offices. Ryan and Cathy meet Cheverin at an upscale restaurant where Ryan causes a scene and insults Cathy. Excusing himself from dinner, he gains access to Cheverin’s office and downloads his files.

Things eventually go very wrong as Cheverin is alerted to Ryan’s infiltration, and abducts Cathy. this is when the action finally picked up as Ryan goes on a high speed chase to rescue Cathy before Cheverin kills her. However, Cheverin reveals that Ryan cannot stop his plan. This sets up a huge, action-filled conclusion, where Ryan locates a dangerous bomb that Cheverin’s son,Aleksandr, had planted in a dummy emergency response vehicle and gives chase. Unable to defuse the bomb, Jack hijacks the vehicle and crashes it into the East River, killing Aleksandr and preventing the loss of innocent life.

Again, the action scenes were great when they actually got around to happening, but for the most part, this movie was filled with just a bunch of boring dialogue scenes that totally put me to sleep for more than half the movie. The best part was the ending credits as it meant that this long,drawn out film was finally over. I gave it a D grade. Stay tuned. Also, get your favorite Movie stuff, and more by Clicking Here.

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