New The Gift Movie Received Mostly Positive Reviews From Major Critics

New The Gift Movie Received Mostly Positive Reviews From Major Critics

STX Entertainment released their new horror/thriller film, “The Gift,” into theaters today, August 7th, 2015, and all the major, top movie critics have submitted their reviews. It turns out that it did resonate quite well with most of them, getting an overall 78 score out of a possible 100 at the site.

The film stars: Jason Bateman, Joel Edgerton and Rebecca Hall. We’ve posted blurbs from a couple of the critics,below.

Kevin P. Sullivan from Entertainment Weekly, gave it an awesome 91 score, stating: “The real joy of The Gift is getting to that twisted goodness, because more than anything, Edgerton’s script and direction demonstrate a keen understanding of tension and what puts an audience on edge.”

Gary Goldstein from the Los Angeles Times, gave it a 90 score. He stated: “Although the film builds an effective sense of dread and contains its share of unnerving visuals and well-timed scares, it proves far more psychological thrill ride than shockfest.”

Joe Morgenstern over at the Wall Street Journal, gave it a 90 grade, saying: “You may know Mr. Edgerton as the actor who played the cocksure SEAL squadron commander in “Zero Dark Thirty,” and Tom Buchanan in “The Great Gatsby.” Who knew, though, that his debut feature would be so stylishly crafted, intricately psychological and genuinely thrilling?”

Stephen Holden over at The New York Times, gave it a 90 grade as well. He stated: ” Underneath it all, The Gift is a merciless critique of an amoral corporate culture in which the ends justify the means, and lying and cheating are O.K., as long as they’re not found out.”

James Rocchi from TheWrap, gave it a 90 grade. He stated: “Nothing here feels cheap or hasty, which is why the horror, when it comes, is all the more chilling and grim. Slick, sharp and legitimately terrifying, The Gift is a truly brilliant thriller — and, one hopes, the first of many features from Edgerton to come.”

Jon Frosch from The Hollywood Reporter, gave it an 80 score, stating: “Taken on its own undemanding terms and considered within its not very original framework, Joel Edgerton’s feature-length directorial debut is a pleasant — or pleasantly unpleasant — surprise, hitting its genre marks in brisk, unfussy fashion and raising a few hairs on the back of your neck along the way.”

Michael O’Sullivan over at the Washington Post, gave it a 75 grade, stating: ” A surprisingly intelligent and effective (if slightly pulpy) psychological thriller.”

Mick LaSalle over at the San Francisco Chronicle, gave it a 75 score. He stated: “The Gift stretches things a little too much for it to be a first-rate thriller. Still, among second-rate thrillers, it’s one of the best.”

Peter Keough over at the Boston Globe, gave it a 75 grade, saying: ” In addition to directing outstanding performances, Edgerton also suggests psychological processes by means of space, architecture, and décor, exploiting the walls, doorways, windows, and mirrors of the new house to indicate the status of a relationship or self-image.”

Michael Phillips from the Chicago Tribune, gave it a 75 grade. He stated: “All three leading performers are scarily convincing on the film’s own tight, clammy terms.”

Scott Foundas from Variety, gave it a 70 score. He said: ” Where The Gift toys with our expectations is in its refusal to align itself with any one character or to manufacture obvious heroes and villains.”

Finally, Sara Stewart over at the New York Post, gave it a 63 score. She stated: “The long-term effects of bullying are at the heart of The Gift, a dark and ultimately quite nasty psychological thriller from actor/writer/debut director Joel Edgerton, who manages to yank the carpet out from under his audience a couple of times.” Stay tuned. Also, get your favorite Movie stuff, and more by Clicking Here.

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