‘World Of Dance’ May 26, 2020 Premiere Episode Qualifiers Revealed

Hey, “World Of Dance” fans. Tonight,May 26, 2020, the season 4 premiere episode of “World Of Dance” did indeed air.
Tonight’s episode kicked off by revealing a new change to the format. This new format featured a revamped qualifier round. During this revamped qualifier round, the contestants thought they were performing for the producers before ever seeing the all-star judges: Jennifer Lopez, NE-YO, and Derek Hough.
However, that was not the case. Jennifer,Ne-Yo and Derek were there to surprise them in a stripped down warehouse, and they decided ,in that moment, who would make it through to the next round!
The show also introduced another element, which is the callback vote. The callback vote allowed the judges to vote yes to an act, no to an act, or tell them they earned a callback, which would allow the contestants to perform again for another shot at advancing.
Tonight’s qualifier rounds kicked off with contestants Jefferson & Adrianita. They are a salsa duo in the upper division.
After their performance, Ne-Yo said, “It was slick and tight.” Jennifer said, “You need a little improvement, faster footwork.” Derek said, “I loved the tricks and found them surprising. The surprises need to be maintained.”
Derek got up to dance with Adrianita ,and Jennifer got up to dance with Jefferson. After all of that, Ne-Yo gave them a yes. Derek a yes, and Jennifer a yes. So, Jefferson & Adrianita made it through to the next duels round!
Next, GRVMNT hit the stage. They are a hip-hop group from Canada with the junior division. After their performance, Derek said, “It was well rehearsed.”
Ne-Yo said, “You did well. It was super clean and strong, but I didn’t like the groove moment during the dance. I don’t want to see the transitions coming.”
Jennifer said, “You have encouraging things, but you need to be at another level.” Jennifer gave them a yes. Ne-Yo a callback, which means they get another opportunity. Derek gave them a callback too. That means they will come back and try again before the duels to see if they can improve.
Next to the stage was Jake & Chau. They are contemporary dancers with the upper division. After their performance, Derek said, “It was beautiful and stunning. I loved the connected choreography.”
Ne-Yo said, “I enjoyed the chemistry and trust.” Jennifer said, “We are looking for something new and something that makes us feel, and I think you are special.” Derek also said, “You should tap a little bit more into the emotional part.” Ne-Yo gave them a yes. Jennifer a yes. Derek a yes. So, they made it through to the next duels round.
Next, The Williams Fam hit the stage. They are a hip-hop group in the upper division. After their performance, Derek said, ” I appreciated the charisma. For me, it didn’t meet the high level.”
Ne-Yo said, “I would love watching it on my phone, but here for a million dollars, it was not competition worthy.”
Jennifer said, “I want it cleaner and tighter.” Jennifer gave them a no. Ne-Yo a no. Derek a no. So, they did not make it through to the next duels round.
Next, Bailey Sok from the popular Matt Steffanina Youtube videos showed up with her partner Kida. They are a hip-hop duo in the junior division.
After their performance, Jennifer said, “You are great performers, but I can tell you haven’t been dancing together for a long time.”
Derek said, “I agree with Jennifer, but I think the vibing will come with time.” Ne-Yo said, “I loved the isolations.” Ne-Yo gave them a yes. Derek a yes. Jennifer a yes. So, Bailey and Kida made it through to the next duels round.
Next up, was the very adorable 9 year old Savannah Manzel. She’s a very impressive jazz dancer with the junior division. Her audition consisted of ballet,lots of athletic flips and so on and so forth. She was awesome.
After her performance, Jennifer said, “You look like you’ve been rehearsing that routine for years. You are a pretty amazing dancer that is strong and athletic.”
Derek said, “I want to call my nieces and tell them, ‘You need to step it up because Savannah was here.'” Ne-Yo said, “Your skill level is above your years.” Ne-Yo gave her a yes. Jennifer a yes. Derek a yes. So, Savannah easily made it through to the next duels round.
And that was it, guys. That was the premiere episode. You guys can view all of tonight’s qualifier performances on the official Youtube channel for NBC’s “World Of Dance” by Clicking Here.
The next, new “World Of Dance” season 4 episode is scheduled to air next Tuesday night, June 2, 2020 at approximately 9 pm central standard time on NBC.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “World Of Dance” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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